✅ Make sure you have the latest version of Flutter installed, as this project is powered by Flutter.
✅ Check if the issue you want to work on already exists. Also, see if the issue is assigned to anyone.
✅ If the issue is not assigned to anyone, you can start working on it.
✅ Leave a comment on the issue stating that you are working on it.
✅ Check if the issue already assigned to someone? Ask before starting.
✅ Leave a comment asking how you can contribute. Please do not start working on your own without confirmation.
1️⃣ Fork the repository and clone it locally.
2️⃣ Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: git checkout -b feature/your-feature
or git checkout -b bugfix/your-bug-fix
3️⃣ Make the necessary changes and commit them with descriptive commit messages.
4️⃣ Push your changes to your forked repository.
5️⃣ Create a pull request against the beta
branch of the main repository.
✔️ Try to follow the coding style and standards used in the project.
✔️ Provide a clear and detailed description of your changes in the pull request.
✔️ Ensure that your changes do not introduce any breaking changes to the existing functionality.
✔️ Write clear and concise commit messages.
✔️ Include relevant tests for your changes, if applicable.
✔️ Be open to receiving feedback and making necessary changes based on the code review.
Before submitting your pull request, it's recommended to perform a self-review of your code. Consider the following points:
✔️ Confirm that your changes do not break anything else in the project.
✔️ Does your code adhere to the project's coding style and standards?
✔️ Have you tested your changes thoroughly to ensure they work as expected?
✔️ Are there any potential edge cases or error scenarios that need to be handled?
✔️ Have you removed any commented-out code, debug statements, or unnecessary files?
✔️ Is your code well-documented and easy to understand?
Take the time to review your changes and make any necessary improvements before submitting the pull request.
1️⃣ Once you submit your pull request, others from the community will review it with you.
2️⃣ Start by performing a self-review of your changes.
3️⃣ Keep an eye on your pull request for any questions or suggestions from reviewers.
4️⃣ If changes are requested, make the necessary updates in your forked repository and commit them to your branch.
5️⃣ Your pull request will be merged once it meets the project's requirements.
6️⃣ Congratulations! The whole community thanks you for your contribution! ✨
Once your pull request is merged, you will be proudly listed as a contributor in the contributor chart.
If you have identified a new issue or problem, please follow the steps below to open a new issue:
1️⃣ Open the repository's issue tracker.
2️⃣ Click on the "New Issue" button.
3️⃣ Provide a clear and descriptive title for the issue.
4️⃣ Clearly describe the problem, including steps to reproduce it.
5️⃣ Provide as much detail as possible, including error messages, screenshots, or logs.
6️⃣ If you have a suggested solution or improvement, feel free to include it.
✔️ Follow the instructions in the README to set up the project locally.
✔️ Ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed.
✔️ Use the provided development environment and configuration for consistent results.
✔️ Be respectful and considerate towards other contributors and maintainers.
✔️ Use inclusive language and avoid offensive or discriminatory remarks.
✔️ If you encounter any behavior that violates the project's code of conduct, report it to the project maintainers.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to open an issue or contact the project maintainers.
Happy Coding! 😎