Welcome to the ISS Tracker! This website allows you to track the live location of the International Space Station (ISS) in real-time. Explore the features to see the current position of the ISS on a world map and get additional information about its movements.
- Real-Time ISS Location: View the live location of the ISS on an interactive world map.
- Orbital Path: See the projected path of the ISS as it orbits Earth.
- Current Coordinates: Get the exact latitude and longitude of the ISS in real-time.
- Speed and Altitude: Check the current speed and altitude of the ISS.
- Day/Night Indicator: Visualize whether the ISS is in daylight or nighttime over Earth.
- Responsive Design: The website is fully responsive and works on any device, from desktops to mobile phones.
- HTML5 & CSS3: For the structure and styling of the website.
- JavaScript: To fetch live data from the ISS API and dynamically update the map and other elements.
- Leaflet.js: A powerful JavaScript library for interactive maps.
- ISS API: To get the current position, speed, and altitude of the ISS.
You can check out the live demo of the ISS Tracker here.
If you have any questions, feedback, or just want to connect, feel free to reach out:
- Email: akshat.j1512@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: Akshat Jain
Thank you for using the ISS Tracker! I hope you enjoy following the International Space Station's journey around the Earth.