🍷 An Elixir application that provides an balanced bills splitting to avoid losing friends/relationships.
- Command line interface (CLI)
- Generate random list of N items and M e-mails from code
- Generate random list of N items and M e-mails from files
In the guide below I am ilustrating the step-by-step to installation the SplitterBills (I am using Windows 10 and that's the reason I needed to call escript.exe to run the executable.This took me a long time and headache to figure out 🤯).
# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/AkioCode/SplitterBills.git
# Navigate to the program's directory
$ cd path\to\SplitterBills\
# Build the app
$ mix deps
# Build the executable
$ mix escript.build
# Run the app
$ path/to/escript.exe .\commandline
"--mode, -m (l - Load file | r - Random)",
"--emailsFile, -e_f path/to/emailsFile",
"--itemsFile, -i_f path/to/itemsFile",
"--emails, -e",
"--items, -i"
# Load random data from files, 4 e-mails and 10 items
$ path/to/escript.exe .\commandline --mode l --emailsFile data/emails.csv --itemsFile data/items.csv --emails 4 --items 10
# Load random data from code, 4 e-mails and 10 items
$ path/to/escript.exe .\commandline --mode r --emails 4 --items 10
# You can also use it with iex:
$ iex.bat -S mix
iex(1)> emailList = ["clumsy-penguin@mail.com","grumpy-seagull@mail.com","happy-whale@mail.com"]
iex(2)> itemList = [%{features: %{price: 200, quantity: 2}, name: "rice"},%{features: %{price: 100, quantity: 2}, name: "bread"},%{features: %{price: 400, quantity: 2}, name: "cheese"},%{features: %{price: 300, quantity: 2}, name: "ram"}]
%{features: %{price: 200, quantity: 2}, name: "rice"},
%{features: %{price: 100, quantity: 2}, name: "bread"},
%{features: %{price: 400, quantity: 2}, name: "cheese"},
%{features: %{price: 300, quantity: 2}, name: "ram"}
iex(3)> Splitbills.splitBills(itemList, emailList)
Total: 2000
Remainder: 2
Split bill: 666
Result: [%{bill: "$6,66", email: "clumsy-penguin@mail.com"}, %{bill: "$6,67", email: "grumpy-seagull@mail.com"}, %{bill: "$6,67", email: "happy-whale@mail.com"}]
%{bill: "$6,66", email: "clumsy-penguin@mail.com"},
%{bill: "$6,67", email: "grumpy-seagull@mail.com"},
%{bill: "$6,67", email: "happy-whale@mail.com"}
The data files format are .csv, delimited by commas, with header, located at .\data\ directory. You need to remove the commas if the name contains it (Need to fix this 😶).
Food Colouring - Orange,310,5
Cheese - Woolwich Goat,265,6
You may want to run some tests, so here we go:
# At the .\SplitterBills\ directory, run:
$ mix test