- Download the design files needed and follow all instructions.
- Ensure you do not copy another team's work else your task would be disqualified.
- Take your time to understand the layout of the design page before coding.
- No frameworks must be used, just plain CSS
- Make your work responsive across all devices using CSS flexbox or grid.
- create a repository on GitHub and upload your files to Github.
- Host your website using either GitHub pages, vercel or netlify.
- Submit the links to your repository and the live/hosted site.
- Feel free to ask questions where necessary.
- Best of luck.
The designs were created to the following widths:
- Mobile: 375px
- Desktop: 1440px
- Dark Blue (intro and email sign up background): hsl(217, 28%, 15%)
- Dark Blue (main background): hsl(218, 28%, 13%)
- Dark Blue (footer background): hsl(216, 53%, 9%)
- Dark Blue (testimonials background): hsl(219, 30%, 18%)
- Cyan (inside call-to-action gradient): hsl(176, 68%, 64%)
- Blue (inside call-to-action gradient): hsl(198, 60%, 50%)
- Light Red (error): hsl(0, 100%, 63%)
- White: hsl(0, 0%, 100%)
Body Copy
- Font size: 14px
Headings, Call-to-actions, Header Navigation
- Family: Raleway
- Weights: 400, 700
- Family: Open Sans
- Weights: 400, 700
For the social icons, you can use a font icon library. Some suggestions can be found below: