- 🌍 Based in Egypt
- 🎓 Fresh graduate from the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University
- 💻 Passionate about Software Development, AI, and Web Applications
- 📫 Reach me at: ahmedhesham122000@gmail.com
Check out my portfolio to see my projects, skills, and experience in action:
URL Shortener: SAH Shortener is a URL-shortening website that enables users to convert long URLs into short, manageable links. The project is built with a clean separation between the front-end and back-end for optimal performance and maintainability. It now includes Docker support for easy deployment and has been deployed on Render (back-end) and Vercel (front-end).
Booking Scrapper: This project provides a web scraping and API service for collecting detailed hotel information from Booking.com. It consists of two main components:
- Web Scraper: A Python-based scraper that extracts hotel information such as address, images, room types, amenities, and reviews.
- Flask API: A RESTful API built using Flask that allows users to interact with the scraper and retrieve hotel data in JSON format or save it as a downloadable file.
UNIX tools: custom-built implementations of popular Unix command-line tools, including cat, wc, and others soon. Each tool resides in its own directory with source code and detailed documentation. Perfect for students, developers, and Linux enthusiasts looking to learn how these tools work under the hood
machine learning building & deployment: This is a Flask-based web application that predicts whether a data scientist will stay with a company or leave. The project provides tools for training machine learning models, evaluating their performance, and making predictions based on user inputs. The application is designed for HR analytics and aims to assist in decision-making processes.
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