Releases: Ahmadmansoor/AdvancedScript
AdvancedScript version 4.3
- Add new commands and fix some bugs
- fix error load of the Auto Commands when there is no ;
- Fix AutoRun and stepson ( wait command to finish).
- Fix color variable name.
- Add ReadFile , Write2Mem , ReadMem
- Add GoToByBase Form
- Assigned variable directly no need to Setx Command:).
AdvancedScript version 4.0
Fast to code and easy to analyze
1- add RegexSearch form.
2- New GUI after replace DataGridView with RichTextBox to easy deal and fast coding.
3- edit CustomBuildStep to Auto copy files (AdvSconfig.txt , HelpAdvancedScript.txt).
4- add AutocompleteMenu.dll .
5- add copy AutocompleteMenu.dll to x64dbg root .
6- add AdvSconfig.txt for AutoComplete list for define Commands and variables.
7- update AutocompleteMenu.dll.
8- add comments_ to Variables class to add it next to the description of the variables when call them by Ctrl+j
9- call list var's by Ctrl+j
10- add ReFill_FunctionsAutoComplete_AtLoad.
11- highlight_system done for good look and analyze.
12- add autoCompleteFlexibleList to handle commands defined in AdvSconfig.txt.
13- add open Script from out side.
14- refresh by menu and F5 to refresh highlight_system.
15- add var of x64dbg system.
note : by AdvSconfig.txt u can define the commands in AdvancedSecript .
AdvancedScript version 3.1
- fix CheckHexIsValid ( fix length ).
- add menu to (copy - follow - delete) variables .
- add more check for StrAnalyze.
- add MsgBox for if command in a case does not resolve arguments.
note : copy can copy one value or all values in case Array variables
AdvancedScript version 3.0
- version 3.0 :
1- add help file and command help on the form.
2- add ads lib like ("GetAPIName","GetArraySize","ReadStr","GetdesCallJmp","isInArray","isAddrBelongSection").
3- Write2File_ can write array directly.
4- add commentset command.
5- replace Script::Debug::Wait(); with waitPauseProcess();
6- at ret command .
7- AutoComplete for Functions and variables and ads lib.
8- add log box for future work.
9- add AutoUpdate checkbox for enable disable update of variables list.
10- fix some bug and improve some others like (findallmemx .
11- add tuts how to use.
AdvancedScript version 2.8
- version 2.8 :
1- fix a lot of bugs in calculations and get values.
2- F11 run/stop script now Enabled, F12 step script.
3- get values for nasted variables like $x[$z+1]
4- add new commands (ret ,GetAPIName ,ResizeArray ,GetArraySize ,Write2File ,inputbox).
5- add Dependency and samples Script as separate package.
Dependency&sample Script
package contains Dependency & some samples of Script to know how to use .
AdvancedScript.v2.5 Beta
version 2.5 beta :
1- Script window is sperate.
2- Create Folder for script,form Load script with category.
3- add more mirror Functions (xorx - pushx ...), and Functions like
( if , goto,writestr ) to shortcut the work.
4- show all variables in a list with it's values.
5- edit script onfly.
6- enable to define array with range like z[n].
7- writestr Function.
8- run from anyware in the script.
9- rest variables list in case maintenance.
10- insert rows as much as you need.
11- insert from clipboard replace all script.
12- insert from clipboard inside the script.
13- copy separated lines to used in other script.
14- insert description without confusing ;).
15- add the dll file of c++ runtime for each package.
16- add some scripts samples.
17- as it is beta version so it support one step not auto step , use F12 for step, sorry for that
I need to check if it work then I will add auto step :}