Works with TYPO3 12.4 only! For TYPO3 11.5, use version 2.1.0
For non-composer installation, please download extension via TER or Extension manager
- [BUGFIX] Fix undefined array key
- [TASK] Upgrade modules to follow dependabot alert on cross-spawn
- [TASK] Add viewhelper to retrieve logo_main from WebsiteSettings in backend context (Experimental)
- [TASK] Upgrade modules to follow dependabot alert on http-proxy-middleware and cookie
- [BUGFIX] Fix Slim Select instanciation with multiple MultiSelect
- [TASK] Implement Slim Select for MultiSelect usage
- [TASK] Use SimpleBar plugin for better user experience with scrollable tabs
- [BUGFIX] Fix Google Analytics javascript when there is multiple tracking codes
- [TASK] Respect gallery_size in mobile breakpoint for textpic & textmedia
- [TASK] Add header_layout on carousel item, to allow header to be shown in backend only
- [!!!][TASK] Drop field social_media_buttons from page properties
- [TASK] Upgrade modules to follow dependabot alert on send
- [TASK] Allow insertion of multiple Google Analytics tracking codes
- [TASK] Add content element Sharing Buttons
- [TASK] Add asd:data.isNull viewHelper
- [!!!][TASK] Improve display of sharing widget, use settings from Website Configuration only in EXT:news details.
- [TASK] Add inverted option to thumbnails type content
- [TASK] Allow usage of content element uploads inside tabs and accordion
- [TASK] Add content element Thumbnail Group
- [TASK] Add new styles for links in RTE (phone, file, url, location)
- [BUGFIX] Fix button display on photoswipe gallery
- [TASK] Upgrade modules to follow dependabot alert on body-parser, path-to-regexp, send, serve-static, express, micromatch and webpack
- [TASK] Replace EXT:shariff integration with homemade, using Shareon javascript library
- [TASK] Upgrade modules to follow dependabot alert on ws