Raw XSM data file available on ISRO's Chandrayan 2 Data Archive needs to be uploded for furthur processing and generating insights
Rate VS Time and Flux VS Time graphs are generated based on Input data and possible bursts are shown with markers.
Rate VS Time | Flux VS Time |
![]() |
![]() |
Ensure that the system is Linux based with xsmgenspec and xsmcomputeflex installed. Follow the following steps for installation of xsmdas:
- OS: Linux/Unix (CentOS 7.0+, Ubuntu 14.04+, RHEL 6.5+, Fedora 20.0+, SLED 11.0+, OS X 10.13+)
- Compiler: gcc 4.4+
- Download the installation package of XSMDAS and CALDB from https://pradan.issdc.gov. in/pradan/
- Unzip the installation package ch2_xsmdas_yyyymmdd_vn.mm.zip to desired directory:
unzip ch2_xsmdas_yyyymmdd_vn.mm.zip
- Set environmental variables by adding following lines to ~/.bashrc
export xsmdas= <path to xsmdas directory>/xsmdas
export PATH="$xsmdas/bin:$xsmdas/scripts:$PATH"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$xsmdas/lib/":$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PFILES="$PFILES:$xsmdas/pfiles"
here 'path to xsmdas directory' is to be replaced with the absolute path under which xsmdas directory is present source ~/.bashrc file as:
If the user has installed any other package that uses PIL with PFILES environment defined in /.bashrc, make sure that the other declaration are appending the pfile paths to the environment variable. If the user has HEASOFT installation, it is recommended that the command to source the initialization script of HEASOFT, commonly aliased as heainit, if included in .bashrc shall be after the above commands. This will create a local copy of Parameter files under $HOME/pfiles. 4. Installation of libraries:
cd $xsmdas
This will compile cfitsio and pil libraries from source. 5. Installation of CALDB: Download the caldb zip file provided along with XSMDAS. Unzip the package ch2_xsm_caldb_yyyymmdd.zip to $xsmdas directory as:
unzip ch2_xsm_caldb_yyyymmdd.zip -d $xsmdas
The caldb files will be extracted to $xsmdas/caldb directory
- Compilation: Once the libraries are installed compile XSMDAS with
cd $xsmdas
- Modify one of the scripts file: Change line 1 of xsmcomputeflux.py to:
#!/ysr/bin/env python3.9
(Note: Most of the above part of Installation steps was taken from the official XSM Data Analysis Guide provided by Physics Research Laboratory Ahmedabad and can be accessed from: https://pradan.issdc.gov.in/pradan/protected/downloadFile/xsm/ch2_xsm_data_analysis_guide.pdf)
Install Python dependencies
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Start the development server by running
# dev server with hot reload at http://localhost:8080
$ python app.py
$ npm install
$ yarn install
# dev server with hot reload at http://localhost:3000
$ npm start
# if you use Node 17+ use this command instead of `npm start`
$ npm run start:n17
# dev server with hot reload at http://localhost:3000
$ yarn start
# Electon desktop
$ yarn electron:serve
# if you use Node 17+ use this command instead of `yarn start`
$ yarn start:n17