Ristretto is a Peer to Peer lending platform where the debt is backed by friends, family or people that trust in the borrower. The end goal is to use xDAI chain to provide fast transactions, xDAI stability allows lendings to be eficients and remove the risk. Currently is uploaded in Sokol POA Testnet and Rinkeby Ethereum Testnet.
This platform can have a high impact on coffee farmers, as most of them have no access to any kind of credit. Typically they are forced to sell their crops at really low prices in order to finance the next crop and keep business flowing. A low-interest, DeFi loan can change their whole operation.
- Video Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0EjiaDC6rk
- Pitch Deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qWOhkN9o9FYGK8mOTctUP15HsAVNf7LzsjFpgKfGL3w/edit?usp=sharing
- Demo URL: https://ristretto-affogato.netlify.com
- Rinkeby Address: 0xdA4C07B7159C6302330cA947089893018D382EE3
- Sokol POA Address: 0x902C68ED3bde2e270a747A507BF59329ba33fbfC
- xDAI Address 0x7f2c39E6eb4Fa81ea9856324C2dA97D84Ddb5826
- POA Core Address 0xfe8be654cffb1f3f017905c3cef133829fa6f886
The users can have different roles in the platform, they can be Endorsers, Borrowers or Lenders.
The endorsers are friends or family of the borrower, they trust that the borrower is able to pay and is a honest person. These users are the ones that takes the risk when an user doesn't pay a debt, the risk is divided between all the endorsers of a borrower.
- Stake Money
- Endorse Users
- Earn interest money from honest borrower
- Close Debt
Borrowers are the users that require money. In order for a borrower to request a lending they first need other users to endorse them.
- Receive Endorsement
- Request Lending
- Receive Money
- Repay Money + 5% Interest in less than 2 months
- Close Debt
Lenders are the users that provide the money for a borrower, they can analize if a borrower has many endorsers and are able to provide the money for it's debt.
- Lend Money
- Regain your Money plus an interest
- Close Debt
If in two months the borrower doesn't pay anyone can call Force Close Debt and the endorsers will pay the lending
Clone the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You need truffle, ganache, truffle-hdwallet-provider, openzeppelin-solidity, dotenv and chai in order to run the project
npm install -g truffle
npm install -g ganache-cli
npm install
cd client
npm install
Run ganache application or the cli in order to start testing with the network
Compile the project
truffle compile
End with running the tests. Affogato uses Chai as an assertion library
truffle test
Once the ganache is running you just need to start the client and start using the app with metamask in your favorite browser. Run the following commands:
cd client
npm start
With ganache running just migrate the project and you will be ready.
truffle migrate
Create a .env file with the following values:
Run migration with the rinkeby network
truffle migrate --network rinkeby
Create a .env file with the following values:
Run migration with the sokol network
truffle migrate --network sokol