Low* is a DSL of F* that compiles to C via the KaRaMeL compiler. Low* was used to author the HACL* verified cryptographic library and EverParse verified parsers library.
The earlier version of this toolchain directly consumes the intermediary Low* representation.
Low* F* extraction toolchain
verified ----------------> Mini-C AST -----------> Rust
This earlier version can extract all of HACL* to Rust. This is what we described in our preprint.
Scylla is about doing the same thing but with an actual C frontend.
Scylla consumes C code via libclang, and emits Rust code, relying on the same compilation strategies outlined in our preprint. Scylla relies on the KaRaMeL compiler to perform the necessary intermediary rewritings and to convert its C-like internal representation to Rust.
Scylla + KaRaMeL
libclang toolchain
C ----------> Mini-C AST -----------> Rust
A ton of features are missing and many constructs from libclang are not handled; this project, for now, is about assessing whether our methodology can still function with an actual C frontend.
Scylla requires code to be extremely regular in order to be eligible for translation. Such code can be found in the HACL* and EverParse verified C libraries.
So far, our demo contains a handful of files from HACL*.
This project relies on an OCaml toolchain. We have tested this code on Mac OS 14 "Sonoma" and Ubuntu 22.04, with LLVM versions 14 and 15. The instructions below assume you have not cloned this repository yet.
# Step 1: install OCaml environment. Follow instructions, reload your shell, and make sure
# `eval $(opam env)` has been suitably added to your shell profile.
sudo apt install opam cargo # or brew on OSX
opam init
# Step 2: clone the two repositories side by side
git clone git@github.com:FStarLang/karamel
git clone git@github.com:aeneasverif/scylla
# Step 3: install required OCaml packages. Note: the invocation for karamel might fail, in which
# case you want to install all the packages in the `depends` field of karamel.opam except fstar. At
# the time of writing, this means typing:
# opam install ocamlfind batteries zarith stdint yojson ocamlbuild fileutils menhir pprint ulex process fix visitors wasm ppx_deriving ppx_deriving_yojson uucp
(cd karamel && opam install --deps-only .)
(cd scylla && opam install clangml refl sedlex visitors)
# Step 4: misc. setup steps
(cd karamel && make lib/AutoConfig.ml)
(cd scylla/lib && ln -s ../../karamel/lib krml)
# Step 5: ready!
cd scylla
make test