Script supports inline configuration of each TODO-comment. It helps flexibly configure different aspects of created issues. Like relations to other issues, labels, components and so on.
Very flexible tool. A format similar to js objects or JSON, only without quotes.
It is so-called "EXTRAS" case they started with {EXTRAS: ...
. It should be a part of multi-line commit
and indented a description (see supported formats).
The system expects no more than one inline config per TODO. And it would be nice to keep them as last part of TODO-commit.
It may be split to multiple lines. But don't forget about indents of each line.
* TODO@an.assignee: summary of issue (title)
* And some complex description on second line and below.
* Fell you free to add any complex description as you wish.
* But don't forget to start each line on same column as summary (title) or later.
* And suit same rule for EXTRAS, which can be split to multiple lines with any spaces.
* See below.
* {EXTRAS: {
* someKey: [value1, value2],
* moreComplexData: {key1: [v3], key2: {
* neverMindHowManyLevels: [v4]
* }}
* }}
Below are examples of settings supported by the implemented JIRA-registrar.
- Do you need to provide a related ticket? Easily.
{EXTRAS: {linkedIssues: XX-123}}
- Do you need to link multiple tickets? So:
{EXTRAS: {linkedIssues: [XX-123, XX-234]}}
- Do you need to link tickets with different link types? Easily.
{EXTRAS: {linkedIssues: {child_of: XX-123, is_blocked_by: [XX-234, YY-567]}}}
- Labels and components can be provided in the same way.
{EXTRAS: {labels: [label-a, label-b], components: [component-a, component-b]}}
joined to TODO-tag.EXTRAS
- Then the general config of the JIRA registrar.