Inter Pocket Knowledge Network
This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
#What is this repository for? this is a proposal Stateful data store from the makers of future of Intelligence
Version current at beta :: 0.001.0 [Refer to license ]
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Summary of set up A test language that you can play with have fun and research on. Do return back to us with suggestions and we would be happy for the help and maybe meet for coffee.
Configuration the set of files can be built by cmake - makefile generator for the project source code select the build location of the source codes and try command
#Dependencies c++ language compiler and cmake build generator but we are gearing towards Eigen and Wired Tiger in the near future
#Database configuration none as of now and we are planning for a deductive storage {{ inference routing }} engine
#How to run tests
currently not added
Deployment instructions
#cmake .. this would result in the makefile which can be built using
#make there is also configuration added for debian packaging support
#cpack --config CPackConfig.cmake this would generate the debian installers for binary distribution
#cpack --config CPackSourceConfig.cmake this would build source source distributions with various compression levels
#Contribution guidelines Writing tests currently in development please push in tests for this language Code review would be generous to add to the mailing list of the future developments please contribute Other guidelines please don't spam we hate putting you in blocking lists #Who do I talk to? Repo owner or admin mail at Other community or team contact [ slack channel comming up ]