Library to consume the IDnow API in Ruby.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'idnow'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install idnow
The Idnow client takes three settings:
- env
can be set to
. Following the IDnow API documentation, each of these environments will correspondingly set the host to:- Live server
- Test server
- Live server
- company_id
- api_key
You have the option of using a global singleton client:
Idnow.env = :test
Idnow.company_id = "mycompany"
Idnow.api_key = "1234api_key"
Or many clients can be initialized with:
client = @env, company_id: @company_id, api_key: @api_key)
Please read the official IDnow documentation for details. Some examples can also be found in the examples folder.
# Identification data, all fields are optional.
# If you want to use a testing robot instead of a real agent for the identification,
# write the robot name at the first_name, last_name or any custom field.
data ={
birthday: '1984-07-20',
birthplace: 'Buxtehude',
birthname: 'Meier',
city: 'Berlin',
country: 'DE',
custom1: 'first custom parameter',
custom2: 'second custom parameter',
custom3: 'third custom parameter',
custom4: 'fourth custom parameter',
custom5: 'fifth custom parameter',
trackingid: 'track123',
email: '',
gender: 'FEMALE',
lastname: 'Meier',
nationality: 'DE',
street: 'Sesamstraße',
streetnumber: '34c',
title: 'Prof. Dr. Dr. hc',
zipcode: '10439'
# Request Identification
transaction_number = "A_TRANSACTION_NUMBER"
Idnow.client.request_identification(transaction_number: transaction_number, identification_data: data)
# Start testing robot - Only needed for automated robot testing
Idnow.client.testing_start(transaction_number: transaction_number)
# Testing video chat - Only needed for automated robot testing
Idnow.client.testing_request_video_chat(transaction_number: transaction_number)
# List successful identifications. When using automated robots,
# keep in mind that it might take a while until the identification is completed.
# List identifications by status pending or failed
Idnow.client.list_identifications(status: 'pending')
# Get identification. When using automated robots,
# keep in mind that it might take a while until the identification is completed.
Idnow.client.get_identification(transaction_number: transaction_number)
# Download identification files
Idnow.client.download_identification(transaction_number: transaction_number)
# Create document definition
document_identifier = "doc_id"
document_data = {
"optional": true,
"name": 'SomeDoc',
"identifier": document_identifier,
"mimeType": 'txt',
"sortOrder": 1
# List document definitions
# Or for cached results
# Upload document for a given identification
file_data ='path/to/some/file.pdf', 'r')
Idnow.client.upload_identification_document(transaction_number, document_identifier, file_data)
# Upload default document
Idnow.client.upload_default_document(document_identifier, file_data)
# Download default document
RSpec is used for testing.
To enable code coverage check, set COV environment variable:
COV=true make test
To run the tests through docker, you can use the included Dockerfile
docker build . -t idnow-client
docker run -it idnow-client:latest make test