A python script which "generates" a python wheel configuration for a specified OS and architecture of Adoptium's JDK/JRE.
I was inspired by the ziglang python package, so I decided to take Adoptium's JDK/JRE and ship it as a python wheel.
After cloning the git repo, it's pretty simple, gen-build-dir.py does most of the heavy lifting:
$ python3 gen-build-dir.py -o linux -a x64
$ cd linux-x64-javalang
$ python -m build # you can make a venv first and install build within there if you want
Now you can find your wheel in linux-x64-javalang/dist
. Once you install the wheel, you can use it just like ziglang:
import sys, subprocess
subprocess.call([sys.executable, "-m", "javalang", "--help"])
The operating system supported are:
- linux
- mac
- windows
The architectures supported are any Adoptium supports for the particular OS.
$ python3 gen-build-dir.py --help
usage: gen-build-dir.py [-h] [-o os] [-a architecture] [-j java_ver] [-r]
Toggle switch ports for link testing.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o os, --operating-system os
Specify an operating system
-a architecture, --architecture architecture
Specify an architecture
-j java_ver, --java-version java_ver
Specify a version of java (17.0.3+7 or 18.0.1+10)
-r, --jre Specify you want the JRE instead of the JDK