ACS AEM Commons v4.3.0
#1644 - Asset Ingestor | Add include section
#1914 - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
#1942 - Renovator issues moving folder in AEM
#1979 - DialogResourceProviderFactoryImpl slows down bundle deployment
#1980 - Fixing error when not using redirect map file
#1981 - Fixing Redirect Map Manager issue where the edit button didn't work for pages and Assets
#1993 - DialogProvider now supports styles for Dialog and Page dialogs
#1953 - Bulk Workflow MCP process and relative path bug-fix for QueryHelperImpl when using QueryBuilder query type.
#1997 - MCP Forms fixes for RTE configuration and NPE issue with AbstractResourceImpl when resource type is not set
#1998 - Coral3 checkbox storing json value as string instead of boolean when using Json Store in multifields
#2011 - Setting Travis platform to Trusty so that Oracle JDK 8 build will continue to work.
#1953 - Bulk Workflow MCP process and relative path bug-fix for QueryHelperImpl when using QueryBuilder query type.
#1993 - New components for autocomplete and rich text editor
#2012 - Added support for query autocomplete widget