This is ROS 2 version pkg for slam_karto.
The original repo (ROS 1) was developed by OSRF team.
The original version needs dependency: open_karto
However, in order to decrease the complicility of compilation in ament env,
we mergered open_karto into slam_karto for ROS 2 version.
original repo
- slam_karto:
- open_karto:
- HaoChih, LIN (
LGPL License (adhere to the original slam_karto & open_karto pkg)
- sparse_bundle_adjustment (ROS 2 version)
$ git clone
$ ament build --isolated --build-tests --symlink-install --only sparse_bundle_adjustment
$ cd ~/ros2_ws
$ ament build --only-packages slam_karto
For isolated build
$ ament build --isolated --symlink-install --only slam_karto
$ ros2 run slam_karto slam_karto
Currently, rviz2 doesn't support "nav_msgs/MapMetaData", hence, you can use ros1_bridge to see the result in ROS 1 rviz.
$ ros2 run ros1_bridge dynamic_bridge --bridge-all-2to1-topics
- Remove Boost dependency
- Add parameter service
- Add use_sim_time support