VRChat Face Tracking Unity templates to be used with VRCFaceTracking
- Unity 2022 (Required after v5.2.0+)
- VRChat SDK 3.7.0+ (Required after v6.3.2+ for VRC Constraints used in the face tracking debug panel)
- Latest VRCFaceTracking Release
- Avatar with SRanipal, ARKit (Perfect Sync), or Unified Expressions face tracking shapekeys
- Face tracking animations are pointed to the
skinned mesh render by default. If face tracking shapes are on a different skinned mesh render, you will need to change VRCFury component to rewrite animations clips prefix. For example if face tracking shapes are onFace
mesh you will need to rewriteBody
- Add/Import VRCFury
- Add/Import VRCFT Jerry's Templates from Jerry's VRCFT Templates Listing repository listing URL https://Adjerry91.github.io/VRCFaceTracking-Templates/index.json
- Go to
Packages/VRCFT - Jerry's Templates/Prefabs
in Unity project window - Add the corresponding face tracking prefab onto your avatar
- If not sure which standard shapes are being used, use the following Face Tracking Spreadsheet
- Template setup guide https://youtu.be/Ub1c6PiVc9U
- Template debug guide https://youtu.be/Q4BN0xp_Tsg
Please note video guides can get out of date
VRCFT - Jerry's Template Change Log
Post in #template-help
for advance support on Jerry's Face Tracking Discord
- It is recommend to remove template and add again when updating versions.
- Do not embed templates without VRCFury or modifiying animators in products. Embedding will break face tracking template support for future updates.
- Change FBX rig configuration muscle settings for bone rotation adjustments.
- OSC does not work on Test Avatar Uploads
- Eye movement should be on bones by default. Any eye movements with blendshapes will double the movement amount. To remove doubling of rotation unpack and remove the "Eye Rotation" sub prefab.