Memory Management Simulation
This Java program is a simple memory management system that demonstrates three different allocation strategies: First Fit, Best Fit, and Worst Fit. It allows users to allocate, release, and analyze memory fragmentation within a simulated RAM environment.
Features: ->Pre-Running Process initialization:Users can initialize a predefined number of processes with specified sizes and start addresses. ->Memory Allocation: First Fit:Allocates memory for new processes by finding the first available block that fits the process size. Best Fit: Finds the block of memory that best fits the size of the process being allocated. Worst Fit:Allocates memory to the largest available block that fits the process size. ->Memory Compaction:Compacts memory by moving all allocated processes to the beginning of memory to reduce fragmentation. ->Memory Release: Frees memory allocated to a specific process. ->Fragmentation Analysis: Analyzes memory fragmentation by calculating the number of free blocks and total free memory size.
Usage: 1)Setting Up RAM Size:Users input the size of the RAM at the beginning of the program execution. 2)Pre-Running Processes: Users initialize a set number of processes with sizes and start addresses. 3)Menu Interface: Users can select different operations from the menu: Allocation in First Fit Allocation in Best Fit Allocation in Worst Fit Memory Compaction Release Memory for Process Memory Fragmentation Analysis Exit
How To Run: 1)Compile the Java file: javac 2)Run the compiled file: java Main