Projects of an extended version of a popular CS course known as Nand to Tetris.
Project | Description |
proj 01 | Implements elementary logical gates based on the primitive Nand gate |
proj 02 | Boolean Arithmetic - Implements the Hack ALU chip |
proj 03 | Sequential Logic - Implements Bit , Registers , RAM chips |
proj 04 | Machine Language Programming - Implements mult and fill functions |
proj 05 | Computer Archiceture - Complete the construction of the Hack CPU and the Hack hardware platform, leading up to the top-most Computer chip. CPU , MemorySpace and HackComputer |
proj 06 | Assembler - Implements Hack Assembly-to-Binary Translator |
proj 07 | VirtualMacine I - StackArithmetic Implements the first stage of VMTranslator |
proj 08 | VirtualMacine II - ProgramControl Implements the second stage of VMTranslator |