This project is using XboxOne controller to control a 2.4G wifi RC car.
- Uses a USB Host Shield and nRF24L01 modules for device communication.
- Uses two HC-SR04 modules for Obstacle Avoidance.
- 2 different Car Modes(include manual mode and auto mode).
- 8 different LED effects.
- 80 different RTTTL Horns(include 1 in manual mode and 79 in auto mode).
- Car Headlight Brightness Switch.
- Random speed for LED effects.
- USB Host Shield 2.0 - Xbox ONE Controller Library
- Adafruit NeoPixel - Adafruit NeoPixel Library
- NRF24L01+ Driver - nRF24 Library
- Tone - Tone examples
- Car demo 1 - obstacle avoidance + LED effects + RTTTL
- Car demo 2 - collision avoidance
- Arduino Autonomous Car.
- Ready for sound-to-light.
- WS2812FX - LED effects