This script or github project is meant only for LINUX distributions as of now. Tested on KALI LINUX and Ubuntu 18.04
1. Unzip the ###Project_name.zip
2. In your terminal, change directory to ###Project_name.
(probably like: cd ~/Downloads/###Project_name)
3. Run the following command : "python3 run.py"
4. That's it, you are good to go.
NOTE : Follow these steps only if installation process of the above is taken care of.
1. In your terminal, change directory to ###Project_name.
(probably like: cd ~/Downloads/###Project_name)
2. Run the following command : "python3 main.py"
3. Enter the website address, try avoiding adding "https" or "www" in the url. Keep it precise,
eg : uber.com, microsoft.com, etc.
4. Wait for the program to execute, it may take a long time depending on the URL (eg: microsoft.com has multiple subdomains so it takes a long time to execute)
5. The folder containing all the txt files output containing subdomains will pop up.
NOTE : Running the same domain (Eg : microsoft.com), increments the output in the same txt, i.e., the same txt file is edited again and new output is added to it at the bottom
with a time stamp for your reference. It also does not attempt to delete the directory
(microsoft.com in this example) and again make a new directory. It just uses the existing directory again.
-> NOTE : When you run the main.py file, it usually takes a long time to run "STEP #2" which is Sublist3r, please be patient, the code is working fine as long as you don't get errors.
-> NOTE : Please don't delete any folder or files, even the "OUTPUTS" folder which is initially empty.