Publish your QGIS Projects as OGC Web Services.
Group level permissions and integration MapProxy caching.
- Ubuntu 24
- 2 GB RAM
- 5 GB Disk
Be sure to set the hostname prior to installation if you plan to provision SSL using certbot.
hostnamectl set-hostname <yourhostname>
git clone
cd quail
Optionally, provision and SSL certificate using:
apt-get -y install python3-certbot-apache
certbot --apache --agree-tos --email hostmaster@${HNAME} --no-eff-email -d ${HNAME}
Default credentials
- Email:
- Password: quail
git clone
$ cd quail
$ ./installer/
$ docker-compose pull
Before calling up set docker/public.env with values used on your machine!
$ docker-compose up
If you want to build from source, run next command.
$ docker-compose build
Quail also includes a Layer Portal with Group Level Permissions
Quail Docs Documentation.
Version: MPL 2.0