{% embed url="https://gist.github.com/AbhyasKanaujia/b1aa2c5ba91e8a0b7796fecdbf52023a" %}
Class | Homework | Notes | Video |
01 Introduction to Programming | true | true | true |
02 Programming Basic I | true | true | true |
03 Programming Basic II | true | true | true |
04 Pattern Homework | true | true | true |
05 Programming Basics III | true | true | true |
06 Functions and array | true | true | true |
07 Array Problems I | true | true | true |
08 Array Problem II | true | true | true |
09 2D Array | false | false | false |
10 Binary Search | false | false | false |
11 Binary Search Problems I | false | false | false |
12 Binary Search Problems II | false | false | false |
13 Sorting Techniques | false | false | false |
14 Character Arrays and String | true | true | true |
15 Basic Mathematics for DSA | true | true | true |
16 Pointers I | true | true | true |
17 Pointers II | true | true | true |
18 Static and Dynamic Allocation | true | true | true |
19 Recursion I | true | true | true |
20 Recursion II | true | true | true |
21 Recursion III | true | true | true |
22 Divide & Conquer | true | true | true |
23 Backtracking I | false | true | true |
24 Backtracking II | false | true | true |
25 Backgracking III | false | true | true |
26 Time Complexity of Recursive Algorithm & OOPs I | false | true | true |
false | false | false | |
false | false | false | |
29 Linked List I | false | true | true |
30 Linked List II | false | true | true |
31 Linked List III | true | true | true |
32 Linked List IV | false | false | false |
33 Stack I | true | true | true |
34 Stack II | false | false | false |
35 Stack III | false | false | false |
Doubt Sessions
Doubt Clearing Session Part I ✅
Doubt Clearing Session Part II ✅
Doubt Clearing Session Part III
Doubt Clearing Session Part IV
Doubt Clearing Session Part V
Doubt Clearing Session Part VI
- Different Ways to Add Parentheses
- Decode String
- Predict the Winner
- Elimination Game
- K-th Symbol in Grammar
- Add Two Numbers
- Count Good Numbers
- Minimum Non-Zero Product of the Array Elements
- Integer to English Words
- Permutation Sequence
- Wildcard Matching
23. Backtracking Homework
- Beautiful Arrangement
- Combination Sum
- Combination Sum II
- Combination Sum III
25. Backtracking III Homework
- Word Search
26. Time Complexity of Recursive Algorithm & OOPS I
- Padding & Alignment
- Does a class use space in C++? In Java?
- Deep copy & Shallow cop
**29. **Linked List I
SinglyDoublyCircularCircular Doubly
30. Linked List II
- Reverse a LL
- Find Middle of LL
- Check if LL is circular
- Reverse LL in k Groups
- Palindrome LL
- Sort 0s, 1s and 2s
31. Linked List III
- Print Kth Node from the end. 4 approaches
- Detect and Delete Loop
- Intersection Point of LL. 4 approaches
- Flatten a LL (recursion)
- Remove Duplicate from sorted/unsorted LL
- Add 1 to LL
- Add two LL
- Clone LL with random pointer
- Delete m nodes after n nodes
- Reverse alternate k nodes
- Why is quick sort preferred fore arrays, and why merge sort is preferred for LL?