GraphQL is a relatively new concept from Facebook that is billed as an alternative to REST for Web APIs
Readme GraphQL
//Post req is used for get in graphql because of query in body
POST: localhost:8080/addPerson
Body: [{ "id" : 11, "name" : "abhishehk", "mobile" : "9374809", "email" : "", "address": [ "address1","address2","address3" ] }, { "id" : 21, "name" : "abhi", "mobile" : "12374809", "email" : "", "address": [ "address11","address22","address33" ] }]
GET: localhost:8080/findAllPerson
POST: localhost:8080/getAll Body: { getAllPerson { name, email, address } }
POST: localhost:8080/getPersonByEmail Body:
findPerson(email :""){