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MSc AI Thesis work - Depth Estimation for transparent objects


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ClearGraspPlus: Enhancing depth estimation for transparent objects



  • If you have any questions or find any bugs, please file a github issue or contact me:
    Abhishek R. S.: abhishek[dot]r[dot]satyanarayana[dot]4[at]gmail[dot]com


  • Added some notebooks that were used for creating visualizations. Reference only, might not run. Some modifications might be required to run them.


  • This code is tested with Ubuntu 20.04, Python 3.8 and Pytorch v1.12.1, and CUDA v11.3

System and framework dependencies

  • The required system dependencies can be installed using the following commands
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-10 libhdf5-serial-dev libhdf5-dev libhdf5-cpp-11
sudo apt install libopenexr-dev zlib1g-dev openexr # required for openexr
sudo apt install xorg-dev  # display widows
sudo apt install libglfw3-dev
  • The required PyTorch version can be installed with the following command
pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url
  • For openexr python package, install it using the following command pip install --no-binary openexr openexr
  • The rest of the Python package dependencies can be found in requirements.txt

LibRealSense (Optional)

  • If you want to run demos with an Intel RealSense camera, you may need to install LibRealSense. It is required to stream and capture images from Intel Realsense D415/D435 stereo cameras. Please check the installation guide to install from binaries, or compile from source.
# Register the server's public key:
$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE || sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key C8B3A55A6F3EFCDE

# Ubuntu 16 LTS - Add the server to the list of repositories
$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb xenial main" -u

# Install the libraries
$ sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dkms
$ sudo apt-get install librealsense2-utils

# Install the developer and debug packages
$ sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dev
$ sudo apt-get install librealsense2-dbg


  1. Clone the repository. A small sample dataset of 3 real and 3 synthetic images is included.

  2. Install all the dependencies as mentioned in the System and framework dependencies section.

  3. Download the data:
    a) Train dataset (Optional, 72GB) - Contains the synthetic images used for training the models. No real images were used for training.
    b) Val + Test datasets (Optional, 1.7GB) - Contains the real and synthetic images used for validation and testing.

  4. Compile depth2depth (global optimization):

  • depth2depth is a C++ global optimization module used for depth completion, adapted from the DeepCompletion project. It resides in the api/depth2depth/ directory.

  • To compile the depth2depth binary, you will first need to identify the path to libhdf5. Note the location of hdf5/serial. Run the following command in terminal:

    find /usr -iname "*hdf5.h*"

    It will look similar to: /usr/include/hdf5/serial/hdf5.h.

  • Edit BOTH lines 28-29 of the makefile at api/depth2depth/gaps/apps/depth2depth/Makefile to add the path you just found as shown below:

    USER_LIBS=-L/usr/include/hdf5/serial/ -lhdf5_serial
    USER_CFLAGS=-DRN_USE_CSPARSE "/usr/include/hdf5/serial/"
  • Compile the binary:

    cd api/depth2depth/gaps
    export CPATH="/usr/include/hdf5/serial/"  # Ensure this path is same as read from output of `find /usr -iname "*hdf5.h*"`

    This should create an executable, api/depth2depth/gaps/bin/x86_64/depth2depth. The config files will need the path to this executable to run the depth estimation pipeline.

  • Check the executable, by passing in the provided sample files:

    cd api/depth2depth/gaps

    This will generate gaps/sample_files/output-depth.png, which should match the expected-output-depth.png sample file. It will also generate RGB visualizations of all the intermediate files.

To run the code:

1. ClearGrasp Quick Demo - Evaluation of Depth Completion of Transparent Objects

  • We provide a script to run our full pipeline on a dataset and calculate accuracy metrics (RMSE, MAE, etc). Resides in the directory eval_depth_completion/.

  • Create a local copy of the config file:

    cd eval_depth_completion/
    cp config/config.yaml.sample config/config.yaml
  • Edit the config/config.yaml file to set pathWeightsFile parameters to the paths of the respective model checkpoints. To run evaluation on the different datasets, set the path(s) to their director(ies) within the files parameter.

  • Run ClearGrasp on the sample dataset:

    python -c config/config.yaml
  • The script will run ClearGrasp on the given dataset, storing all it's output and calculating accuracy metrics of the depth completion of transparent objects. The metrics (RMSE, etc.) are stored in a csv file in the results dir. Resized inputs, output depths, output pointclouds and other intermediate files are also saved.

2. Live Demo

  • We provide a demonstration of how to use our API on images streaming from realsense D400 series camera. Each new frame coming from the camera stream is passed through the depth completion module to obtain completed depth of transparent objects and the results are displayed in a window.
    Resides in the folder live-demo/. This demo requires the Librealsense SDK to be installed.

    • Create a copy of the sample config file:

      cd live_demo
      cp config/config.yaml.sample config/config.yaml
    • Edit config.yaml with paths to checkpoints of networks and depth2depth executable. Edit parameters as per your camera.

    • Compile realsense.cpp:

      cd live-demo/realsense/
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake ..

      This will create a binary build/realsense which is used to stream images from the realsense camera over TCP/IP. In case of issues, check FAQ.

    • Connect a realsense d400 series camera to USB and start the camera stream:

      cd live_demo/realsense

      This application will capture RGB and Depth images from the realsense and stream them on an TCP/IP port. It will also open a window with the RGB and Depth images displayed.

    • Run demo:

      python -c config/config.yaml

      This will open a new window displaying input image, input depth, intermediate outputs (surface normals, occlusion boundaries, mask), modified input depth and output depth. Expect around 1 FPS with an i7 7700K CPU and 1080ti GPU. The global optimization module is CPU bound and takes almost 1 sec per image at 256x144p resolution with CPU at 4.2GHz.

3. Training Code

  • The folder pytorch_networks/ contains the code used to train the surface normals, occlusion boundary and semantic segmentation models.

  • Go the to respective folder (eg: pytorch_networks/surface_normals) and create a local copy of the config file:

    cp config/config.yaml.sample config/config.yaml
  • Edit the config.yaml file to fill in the paths to the dataset, select hyperparameter values, etc. All the parameters are explained in comments within the config file.

  • Start training:

    python -c config/config.yaml
  • Eval script can be run by:

    python -c config/config.yaml

4. Dataset Capture

  • Contains GUI application that was used to collect dataset of real transparent objects. First the transparent objects were placed in the scene along with various random opaque objects like cardboard boxes, decorative mantelpieces and fruits. After capturing and freezing that frame, each object was replaced with an identical spray-painted instance. Subsequent frames would be overlaid on the frozen frame so that the overlap between the spray painted objects and the transparent objects they were replacing could be observed. With high resolution images, sub-millimeter accuracy can be achieved in the positioning of the objects.
  • Run the dataset_capture_gui/ script to launch a window that streams images directly from a Realsense D400 series camera. Press 'c' to capture the transparent frame, 'v' to capture the opaque frame and spacebar to confirm and save the RGB and Depth images for both frames.
  • The additional dataset captured and the scripts used are available in another repository named IRL_transparent_objects_set for kincet v1 RGBD camera


Details on depth2depth

  • The depth2depth executable expects the following parameters:
    • input_depth.png: The path for the raw depth map from sensor, which is the depth to refine. It should be saved as 4000 x depth in meter in a 16bit PNG.
    • output_depth.png: The path for the result, which is the completed depth. It is also saved as 4000 x depth in meter in a 16bit PNG.
    • Occlusion Weights: The depth discontinuities channel is extracted from the occlusion outlines models' outputs scaled and saved as png file.
    • Surface Normals: The output of surface normals model is saved as an .h5 file
    • xres, yres: The resolution of image in x and y axes.
    • fx, fy: The focal length used to take image in pixels
    • cx, cy: The centre of the image. Ideally it is equal to (height/2, width/2)
    • inertia weight: The strength of the penalty on the difference between the input and the output depth map on observed pixels. Set this value higher if you want to maintain the observed depth from input_depth.png.
    • smoothness_weight: The strength of the penalty on the difference between the depths of neighboring pixels. Higher smoothness weight will produce soap-film-like result.
    • tangent_weight: The universal strength of the surface normal constraint. Higher tangent weight will force the output to have the same surface normal with the given one.

Calculation of focal len in pixels (fx, fy)

  • The focal len in pixels is calculated from the Field of View and Sensor Size of camera, as derived from here:
    F = A / tan(a)
        F = Focal len in pixels
        A = image_size/2
        a = FOV/2
    => (focal len in pixels) = ((image width or height)/2 ) / tan( FOV/2 )
  • Here are the calculation for our synthetic images, with angles in degrees for image output at 288x512p:
    Fx = (512 / 2) / tan( 69.40 / 2 ) = 369.71 = 370 pixels
    Fy = (288 / 2) / tan( 42.56 / 2 ) = 369.72 = 370 pixels

Notes on data:

  • The 4x4 transformation matrix for each object in the scene can give incorrect rotations since it is not normalized. Use the provided quaternion to get the rotation of each object.
  • Some objects are present in the scene, but not visible to the camera. Your code will have to account for such objects when parsing through the data, using the provided masks.

ERROR: No module named open3d

  • In case of Open3D not being recognized, try installing with:
    pip uninstall open3d-python
    pip uninstall open3d
    pip install open3d --no-cache-dir

FIX for librealsense version V2.15 and earlier

  • Change the below line:

    // Find and colorize the depth data
    rs2::frame depth_colorized = color_map.colorize(aligned_depth);


    // Find and colorize the depth data
    rs2::frame depth_colorized = color_map(aligned_depth);

ERROR: depth2depth.cpp:11:18: fatal error: hdf5.h: No such file or directory

  • Make sure HDF5 is installed.
  • Ensure you edited both lines in the makefile to add path to hdf5, as per directions in Installation section.
  • Make sure you exported CPATH before compiling depth2depth, as mentioned above (export CPATH="/usr/include/hdf5/serial/").

ERROR: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrealsense2

  • You may face this error when compiling realsense.cpp. This may occur when using later versions of librealsense (>=2.24, circa Jun 2019).
  • This error can be resolved by compiling Librealsense from source. Please follow the official instructions.

HOW to change the image resolution streaming from realsense camera?

  • You can change the image resolution by changing the corresponding lines in the live_demo/realsense/realsense.cpp file and re-compiling realsense:
    int stream_width = 640;
    int stream_height = 360;
    int depth_disparity_shift = 25;
    int stream_fps = 30;
  • Also change the following lines in the live_demo/realsense/ file to match the cpp file:
    self.im_height = 360
    self.im_width = 640
    self.tcp_host_ip = ''
    self.tcp_port = 50010