This project has been discontinued. Check out Tertimuss.
This is a tool to test real-time thermal aware schedulers.
With this tool in addition to seeing the schedule of the tasks set that performs your scheduler you can see the warming that occurs in the processor over the execution
The tool manage periodic (sporadic) and aperiodic tasks execution, CPU and environment definition and variable CPU frequencies (the utilization of DVFS is assumed in the dynamic power consumption).
It has an easy interface to define a new scheduler and a set of pre-loaded schedulers.
This project has been developed using the Miniconda Python distribution with a Python version 3.7 installed (Can be downloaded from:
It's highly recommended to use the same Python distribution (or Anaconda) to avoid issues related with dependencies. However you can use another of your choice.
The project needs the follow packages:
- Python 3.7 or higher and all its dependencies
- scipy 1.3.0 or higher and all its dependencies
- matplotlib 3.0.2 or higher and all its dependencies
- jsonschema 3.0.1 or higher and all its dependencies
- progress 1.5 or higher and all its dependencies
- ffmpeg 4.1 or higher and all its dependencies
- pyqt 5.9.2 or higher and all its dependencies
- qt 5.9.2 or higher and all its dependencies (This package is necessary only if you want to modify the GUI)
- nodejs 10.13.0 or higher and all its dependencies (This package is necessary only if you want to modify the CLI JSON input)
If you are using Miniconda or Anaconda the next few lines will create an environment called rt-scheduler-simulation-environment with all project dependencies installed in it.
$ conda create -n rt-scheduler-simulation-environment python=3 scipy matplotlib jsonschema pyqt qt nodejs
$ conda activate rt-scheduler-simulation-environment
$ conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg progress
Once you have filled the requirements listed in the above section and have downloaded the repository, place in the project root folder.
There are two python Scripts, one for the Command Line Interface and other for the Graphical User Interface.
To launch the Command Line Interface execute the script called
This script takes two arguments
- -f, --file: Path where find the JSON simulation description file
- -v, --verbose [Optional] : Display simulation progress and execution time
$ python
You can find a description of the JSON input file in JSON-Schema format at ./main/ui/cli/input_schema/global-schema.json.
Some examples are located in ./tests/cli/.
To launch the Graphical User Interface execute the script called
$ python
Each time you modify any file of the schema to validate the input, you must recompile it:
$ cd main/ui/common/json_ref_parser
$ npm run parse-json ../../cli/input_schema/global-schema.json ../../cli/input_schema/input-schema.json
To modify the GUI is recommended to use the Qt Designer.
To launch it execute the following command:
$ designer
Once you have modified the XML (.ui) file that you create with Qt Designer, you have to transform it into a Python file. To do it, just execute the following command (changing foo and bar for the files names):
$ pyuic5 foo.ui -o
To add a new scheduler to the environment, you have to create a new class in the main.core.schedulers.implementations package that extends from main.core.schedulers.templates.abstract_base_scheduler.AbstractBaseScheduler or from main.core.schedulers.templates.abstract_scheduler.AbstractScheduler.
Next, you have to add his name to the main.ui.common.SchedulerSelector class.
The code in this repository, unless otherwise noted, is GNU GPLv3 licensed. See the LICENSE
file in this repository.
This work is part of the degree dissertation of Abel Chils Trabanco.
It is an improvement of a previous environment created in MATLAB that can be found in the following link: