Critical thinking is something that should be taught to school children from a very young age. Our society is often times used faith as a crutch, often to entrench and protect our own paradigms. The phrase “I read it on the internet so it must be true” optimizes problem to the status of a meme. Far too often, people assume that everything that was spoken in a serious tone is true. Often times this is so far from the truth you in between wanting to laugh or being afraid. While this book is not a book about critical thinking or eastern philosophy, they are important for anyone wanting to invent or bring an innovative product to market.
[Insert info about how critical thinking can help you write here.]
Critical Thinking is the staple of every technical writer. The most important thing to take away from it is to be able to recognize when you’re in fact territory. You can’t cite every last technical detail, because that would distract readers from the overall point, so it’s important to be able to identify the important fact critical to your argument, from common knowledge.
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