There are three Box Inventing Techniques: Black Box, White Box, and Grey Box.
This section is about how amateur inventors are looking into a black box and they are making up stuff in their heads about how the machine works. This is very valuable insight because it can give us a baseline.
The best way to learn is in groups. Attempting to launch a startup company by yourself is usually a recipe for disaster. Part of this book will teach you how to recruit a team and find investors. This is as important for the success of your business as your product itself.
What most smart amateurs think when they first get into a business, is that they can do everything themselves and that they can’t trust anyone else to do it right. The problem with that line of thinking that most young people don’t understand is that you have a very limited amount of time and number of things that you can afford to spend your time on.
Working with other people also keeps you motivated. It's way too easy to get solo inventor fatigue and have your entire project poop out on you. That is every inventor’s worst nightmare.
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