This is a collection of pieces of code and art that are meant to inspire the participants to the CI-art hackathon in order to build memorable artistic embodiments of continuous integration.
- Sonification
- Vizualization
- Software art
- Net art
- History of Computer Art
- Code as performative speech act
A collection of libraries, code examples and papers that can serve to build CI-art pieces.
- Network-synchronised metronome a library to synchronize several device with respect to a common pulse, over wifi. Can be useful to syncrhonize the CI event and the media displays.
- Pure Data and openGL. A set of Pure Data (Pd) externals written with openFrameworks API, that bring OpenGL graphics and utilities to Pd.
CodePen is a social development environment for front-end designers and developers. It includes various visual effects that can be remixed for the hackathon. Here a few curated examples
- Rain. This pen served as a starting point for the CI rain.
- Infinite tree of life
#Hardware bridges
Here is the code for the APIs to control actual hardware fixtures: lights and the organ.