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Running Device Management Client example on the PSoC® 64 Secure Boot Wi-Fi BT Pioneer Kit (CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W)

This document guides you through all of the steps required to run Device Management Client example on the CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W target.


  • Python 3.7.

  • Run pip install mbed-cli cysecuretools pyopenssl to install:

    • Mbed CLI 1.10.0 or higher
    • cysecuretools (you need 2.0.0 or higher)
    • pyopenssl
  • Install the libusb dependency for pyOCD based on the Cypress documentation.

    Note: Due to a known issue, Cypress recommends using libusb version 1.0.21 on Windows instead of the most recent version.

  • OpenSSL (only if you do not have your own root CA private key and certificate and need to generate them yourself).

Deploying the example

  1. Import the mbed-os-example-pelion repository:

    mbed import
  2. Check out the cytfm-064b0s2-4343w branch:

    cd mbed-os-example-pelion
    git checkout cytfm-064b0s2-4343w
  3. Deploy dependencies:

    mbed deploy

Provisioning the device with initial credentials

You need to carry out this step only once on each board to be able to re-provision later with your root CA and device certificate.

  1. Set up your project workspace for CySecureTools and create keys for provisioning:

    cd ./mbed-os/targets/TARGET_Cypress/TARGET_PSOC6/TARGET_CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W
    cysecuretools -t cy8ckit-064b0s2-4343w init
    cysecuretools -t cy8ckit-064b0s2-4343w -p policy/policy_multi_CM0_CM4_tfm.json create-keys

    You will be prompted to overwrite existing files. Type y to continue.

  2. Unplug your device from the power supply.

  3. Remove the jumper shunt from J26.

  4. Plug in power.

  5. Press the Mode button until the LED is always on to put the device in DAPLink mode.

  6. To provision the board with basic configuration, run:

    cysecuretools -t cy8ckit-064b0s2-4343w -p policy/policy_multi_CM0_CM4_tfm.json provision-device
  7. Unplug your device from the power supply.

  8. Put back the jumper shunt back in J26.

  9. Plug in power.

    Note: You don't need the keys and other files that are created in this flow in the future. At this point, you can delete these files.

For more information about the initial provisioning process, please see "Provision the Device" section of the CY8CKIT-064B0S2-4343W PSoC 64 Secure Boot Wi-Fi BT Pioneer Kit Guide.

Generating and provisioning Device Management credentials

  1. Navigate to the mbed-os-example-pelion/TARGET_CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W directory.

  2. Create a certificates directory:

    mkdir certificates
  3. Name your own root CA private key and certificate rootCA.key and rootCA.pem respectively, and place them in the TARGET_CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W/certificates directory.

    Alternatively, if you don't have a root CA, you can generate a root CA private key and certificate using the OpenSSL toolkit:

    openssl ecparam -out certificates/rootCA.key -name prime256v1 -genkey
    (echo '[ req ]'; echo 'distinguished_name=dn'; echo 'prompt = no'; echo '[ ext ]'; echo "basicConstraints = CA:TRUE"; echo "keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyCertSign, cRLSign"; echo '[ dn ]'; echo 'CN = ROOT_CA') > certificates/root.cnf
    openssl req -key certificates/rootCA.key -new -x509 -days 7300 -sha256 -out certificates/rootCA.pem -config certificates/root.cnf -extensions ext
  4. Upload the root CA certificate to the portal.

    Important: When you upload your root CA certificate to Device Management Portal, you must select Enrollment - I received this certificate from the device manufacturer or a supplier from the How will devices use this certificate? dropdown.

  5. Set up your project workspace for CySecureTools and create keys based on the cytfm_pelion_policy.json policy:

    cd ./TARGET_CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W
    cysecuretools -t cy8ckit-064b0s2-4343w init
    cysecuretools -t cy8ckit-064b0s2-4343w -p policy/cytfm_pelion_policy.json create-keys

    Note: You use these keys to sign future application images and the device uses the keys to verify the application images. Therefore, if you lose the keys, you need to re-provision the board with new keys.

  6. Provision the device with your root CA, app keys and device certificate:

    python ../mbed-os/targets/TARGET_Cypress/TARGET_PSOC6/TARGET_CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W/ -d cy8ckit-064b0s2-4343w -p policy/cytfm_pelion_policy.json -existing-keys --serial <device's unique serial number> -y
    cd ../

Building and running the example

  1. Navigate to your mbed-os-example-pelion root folder.

  2. In Windows only, rename .mbedignore-for-win to .mbedignore:

    rename .mbedignore-for-win .mbedignore

    Due to mbed-os issue 7129, the include path might exceed the maximum Windows command line string length. Using .mbedignore decreases the length of the include path but makes these features unavailable:

    • Certificate Enrollment
    • Device Sentry
    • Secure Device Access
    • Factory flow using FCU
  3. In Windows, Mac and other case-insensitive file systems, apply a patch that resolves an issue with conflicting file names by running:

    cd mbed-cloud-client
    git am ..\mcc-fix-conflict-fname.patch
    cd ..
  4. To enable firmware update:

    1. Install manifest-tool v2.0 or higher:

      pip install --upgrade manifest-tool

      The Cypress update flow requires the newest version of the manifest-tool.

    2. Initialize the environment:

      manifest-dev-tool init --force -a [access key from Device Management Portal]

      For information about access keys, please see Application access keys.

  5. Build the example:

    mbed compile -m CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W -t GCC_ARM
  6. Flash and run the application:

    1. Drag and drop the hex output file (BUILD/CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W/GCC_ARM/mbed-os-example-pelion.hex) to the mounted drive for the board.
    2. Reset the board.
    3. Copy the enrollment ID from the terminal output.
    4. Upload the enrollment ID to Device Management:
      1. In Device Management Portal, click Device directory > Enrolling devices.
      2. Enter the enrollment ID in the Device enrollment key field.
      3. Click Add single device.
    5. Go back to the terminal, press C to continue, and check that the device connects to Device Management.

Note: For development purposes, you can reset the Device Management credentials by running pyocd erase -s 0x101C0000-0x101C9000.

Updating firmware

The CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W target board has two cores - CM0 for the T-FM firmware, CM4 for the example application.

We currently support updating the example application in the CM4 core.

To update the example application:

  1. Update the firmware version in the cytfm_pelion_policy.json file:

    1. Go to "id": 16 in the file.

      This section of the file holds the CM4 core configuration.

    2. Update "version": "<new firmware version>",.

      Where <new firmware version> is a string in MSB.LSB (Most Significant Byte/Least Significant Byte) format.

  2. Build the upgraded signed image:

    mbed compile -m CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W -t GCC_ARM

    This creates a ./BUILD/CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W/GCC_ARM/mbed-os-example-pelion_upgrade.hex file.

    The manifest tool does not currently support hex files; therefore, you must convert the image to bin format.

  3. To convert the upgrade image from hex to bin format:

    python BUILD/CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W/GCC_ARM/mbed-os-example-pelion_upgrade.hex

    This creates the ./BUILD/CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W/GCC_ARM/mbed-os-example-pelion_upgrade.bin file.

  4. Perform the update:

    manifest-dev-tool update-v1 --payload-path BUILD/CYTFM_064B0S2_4343W/GCC_ARM/mbed-os-example-pelion_upgrade.bin --fw-version <new firmware version> --device-id <device ID> --start-campaign --wait-for-completion --timeout 3600


    • <new firmware version> is a 64-bit unsigned integer, where 32 MSBs represent the major version and 32 LSBs represent the minor. For example, version 1.0 is represented as 4294967296 and version 1.1 as 4294967297.
    • <device ID> is the ID of the device to be updated.

    You can validate that the device is using the upgraded firmware in the serial monitor printout:

    Current FW image version: <new firmware version>