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APN-Pucky edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 1 revision

SimpleTUOLiveSim.exe (v4.2.5)

This program let's you sim the best card to play next during a battle, given you know the enemy deck.


  • your
    • deck+forts (ordered for simulate)
    • played cards (ordered)
    • 3 hand cards
  • enemy
    • deck+forts
    • played cards (ordered)


This button runs a sim playing your already played cards and then playing the rest of cards reordered. The return will be a reorder-optimized deck. The best card to play next is the first card that appears in the deck list from the three in your hand (respecting if a similar named card has already been played).




This button loops over the three hand cards and plays each of them to get a score for playing either card (remaining cards are played randomly). The score then is displayed next to the card.



How it works

The commands used in Simulate are:

  • reorder/ordered , your deck gets reordered-optimized.
  • freeze "number_of_cards_played", tuo won't try to swap already played cards ( that's why the deck needs to be ordered too).
  • hand "your_hand", This sets the draw order of already played cards. The rest is (re-)ordered.
  • enemy:hand "enemy_hand", The enemy will play his played cards in exactly the given order and the rest randomly.

Scores button instead just plays your played cards and one of your hand cards and the rest randomly.


  • make some sanity checks first
  • the simulation does not cover specific scenarios instead it only gives you the best card for most cases. Therefore also think yourself about playing the card.