All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- Users can now send messages to other users
0.8.2 - 2022-01-04
- Prompt to fetch new content appears when a new topic is made in the active board
- New Topic button moved
- Boards now display their topics in a child LiveView (instead of LiveComponent)
- Deleting posts is now confirmed with Phoenix.HTML's data-confirm prompt
- Disabling and re-enabling users is now confirmed with Phoenix.HTML's data-confirm prompt
- Disabling a user will clear the "user enabled" flash in the Admin panel, and vice versa
- Minor styling changes
0.8.1 - 2021-10-08
- CSP headers fixed to allow AWS S3 connections
0.8 - 2021-10-07
- Links to topics will now appear greyed after a user has read the topic
- Enabled HTTP Content Security Policy
0.7.1 - 2021-09-27
- Avatar uploads now work properly over HTTPS
0.7 - 2021-09-27
- AWS S3 integration for user avatars
- Swoosh Mailjet adapter re-enabled
- New Topic validation errors are now properly aligned with the form
0.6 - 2021-09-16
- Pagination of topic list with "infinite scroll"
- All html templates upgraded to HEEx
- Post and Topic creation operations are now performed atomically with
- User info is no longer cached; now efficiently preloaded from the DB as needed
- Post and Topic listings are now temporary assigns to further reduce the amount of data held in memory
- Test suite organized into many smaller modules
- Fixed some links not resetting scroll position upon click
0.5.2 - 2021-06-02
- Optimized some styling by replacing string interpolation with IO Lists
- Users online list now properly displays all guests
- Fixed a bug where disconnected users would still be shown as online
- Users can now properly reset their avatar even if the file was corrupted or missing
0.5.1 - 2021-05-28
- Flash messages in User Settings and Admin Panel are now dismissed on click
- Validation of replies now waits for form submit to display error
- Fixed a bug where navigating from the Index directly to a Topic might not cache some necessary user data, causing a LV crash upon returning to the Board
0.5 - 2021-05-24
- Administrator account: can edit and delete posts
- Admin Panel: allows administrator to disable unwanted user accounts
- Users can now edit and delete their own posts
- Timestamp and user attribution is shown below edited posts
- Live updates site-wide after post/reply deletion
- Main Index now shows other users who are currently online
- New topics are now shown live to all board viewers
- Login prompt now positioned properly on all screen sizes
- A post and reply with the same database ID will no longer have ID conflicts
- Cancel link on post editor now works properly even when errors are displayed
- Post edit validation no longer undoes changes when the form is completely empty
- Post view/reply counts now use singular grammar when the count is one
- Various styling fixes site-wide
- Post listing now loads properly when returning to board from "create post" form
0.4.1 - 2021-05-04
- Markdown is now properly parsed in user profiles' last 5 posts
0.4 - 2021-05-03
- Test suite for all app features
- Email verification implemented with Swoosh's Mailjet adapter
- Clicking a username now shows user's profile with their five most recent posts
- Registered users can now select an alternate "dark" theme in the settings menu
- Users can now use Markdown to format posts and replies
- User post count, avatar, and title updates instantly show site-wide for all users
- New replies to a post are now shown to all viewers instantly
- Auto-scroll to the top of the page when clicking a live_patch
- CI checks coverage % of the test suite with
- User confirmation moved into the LiveView
- Forum display, user menu, and settings now separated into Live Components
- Changing user settings will no longer re-mount the LiveView
0.3.1 - 2021-04-10
- Users can now remove their avatar if they wish not to have one
- Elixir CI with GitHub Actions
- Avatars are now deleted from the server when no longer in use
- Attempting to upload an avatar without first selecting a file will no longer crash the LiveView
0.3 - 2021-04-09
- file now included
- Topics now track and display their view count
- Custom 404 page for all bad routes and params
- Users can now select a timezone and see timestamps adjusted accordingly
- Users can now choose a custom title to display beneath their username
- Readme now includes badges from
- Users can now upload an avatar to display with their posts
- Long topic titles are now shortened in the Main Index links
- Postgres now handles sorting content by date (instead of Elixir process)
- Usernames are now stored with citext to ensure unique names
- User registration moved into the LiveView
- User settings moved into the LiveView
- Socket assigns now holds active User struct instead of user token
- Users must now log in before they will be allowed to see the New Topic form
- Solved possible race condition during post creation
- DB queries reduced by adding new columns for post count and reply count
- Tests updated to handle foreign key constraints
- Fixed a bug where a user's first reply could crash and re-mount the LiveView
- Page margins are now symmetrical at all screen sizes
- New Post and New Reply forms now have proper styling to match other forms
0.2 - 2021-03-25
- Live Navigation updates URL and page title but remains within the LiveView
- Latest post for each board is shown in the Main Index with a direct link
- GNU GPL-3.0 License file added
- Timestamp formatting made much more readable
- Author details and original post time now shown under each topic
- New topic creation moved from the bottom of the board to its own view
- All views have updated styling including user account pages
- Fixed a bug with URLs leading directly to a post
- Alert width now matches content width
0.1 - 2021-03-16
- LiveView forum with Boards, Posts, and Replies
- Topic count and post count for each board
- User account authentication
- Tailwind CSS styling
- User cache for reduced DB queries
- Page title updates to reflect current view