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190 lines (143 loc) · 6.91 KB

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190 lines (143 loc) · 6.91 KB
 _______ __     __ __                       _______ __
|     __|  |--.|__|  |--.--.--.--.--.---.-.|     __|  |_.----.-----.---.-..--------.
|__     |     ||  |  _  |  |  |  |  |  _  ||__     |   _|   _|  -__|  _  ||        |
|_______|__|__||__|_____|_____|___  |___._||_______|____|__| |_____|___._||__|__|__|

Bandwidth Benchmark



git clone
cd ShibuyaStream
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j


export CMAKE_MODULE_PATH=/opt/rocm/hip/cmake:${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/opt/rocm/lib/cmake:${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}


The command line syntax is:

./shibuya  SIZE      size of arrays in megabytes
           TIME      test duration in seconds

where streams are defined as:

 core or device
 |        type of operation
 |        |             location of A
 |        |             |        location of B
 |        |             |        |        location of C (only for add and triad)
 |        |             |        |        |        the core controlling the device
 |        |             |        |        |        |       (only for device streams)
 Core     Copy          NUMA     NUMA     NUMA
   Device   Multiply      Device   Device   Device

Examples of Streams

  • C0-C-N0-N0
    • Core 0 performs a copy (B[i] = A[i]) with A and B in NUMA node 0.
  • C2-M-N0-N2
    • Core 2 performs a multiplication (B[i] = alpha*A[i]) with A in NUMA node 0 and B in NUMA node 2.
  • D0-C-D0-D0-0
    • Device 0 performs a copy (B[i] = A[i]) with A and B in the memory of device 0. The execution is controlled by core 0.
  • D0-T-D0-D0-D1-8
    • Device 0 performs a triad (C[i] = alpha*A[i]+B[i]) with A and B in the memory of device 0 and C in the memory of device 1. The execution is controlled by core 8.

Examples of command lines

  • ./shibuya 128 3 C0-C-N0-N0 C1-C-N0-N0 C2-C-N0-N0 C3-C-N0-N0
    • four cores simultaneously making copies of size 128 MB for 3 seconds in NUMA node 0
  • ./shibuya 1024 5 D0-H-D0-D1-0 D1-H-D1-D2-1 D2-H-D2-D3-2 D3-H-D3-D0-3
    • four devices simultaneously making copies, using hipMemcpy(), of size 1 GB for 5 seconds in a round-robin fashion

Environment Settings

AVX Options

  • export SHIBUYA_AVX=1 to use AVX instructions for host streams.
  • export SHIBUYA_AVX_NON_TEMPORAL=1 to use AVX instructions with non-temporal hint for host streams.

If both SHIBUYA_AVX and SHIBUYA_AVX_NON_TEMPORAL are set, non-temporal stores are used.
Make sure to unset SHIBUYA_AVX_NON_TEMPORAL to use AVX instructions without the non-temporal hint.

Device Options

  • export SHIBUYA_DEVICE_NON_TEMPORAL=1 to use LLVM non-temporal memory access builtins in device kernels.

By default, in device kernels, each work item touches one element of each input array.
Use SHIBUYA_DEVICE_ELEMENTS_PER_ITEM to change the default value, e.g.:

  • export SHIBUYA_DEVICE_ELEMENTS_PER_ITEM=4 for each work item to touch 4 consecutive elements.

Supported values of SHIBUYA_DEVICE_ELEMENTS_PER_ITEM are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

By default, in device kernels, each work group touches one contiguous chunk of each input array.
Use SHIBUYA_DEVICE_CHUNKS_PER_GROUP to change the default value, e.g.:

  • export SHIBUYA_DEVICE_CHUNKS_PER_GROUP=4 for each work group to touch 4 discontiguous chunks.

Supported values of SHIBUYA_DEVICE_CHUNKS_PER_GROUP are 1, 2, 4, and 8.

Output Options

When printing results, by default, the bandwidth is reported at one second intervals.
Use SHIBUYA_OUTPUT_INTERVAL to change the default value, e.g.:

  • export SHIBUYA_OUTPUT_INTERVAL=10 to set the interval to 10 seconds.
  • export SHIBUYA_OUTPUT_INTERVAL=0.1 to set the interval to one tenth of a second.

Correctness Testing

ShibuyaStream is primarily a bandwidth benchmark.
By default, correctness is not checked when measuring bandwidth.
Only a simple sanity check is done after bandwidth measurements are finished.
More rigorous correctness testing can be enabled using the SHIBUYA_STRINGENT flag.

  • export SHIBUYA_STRINGENT=1 to switch from measuring bandwidth to stringent correctness testing,
  • unset SHIBUYA_STRINGENT to switch from testing correctness to measuring bandwidth.

Bandwidth is not measured when testing correctness, as the measurement would not be accurate.
The stringent correctness test only supports the copy operation (C).

Checking the Topology

The topology of the system can be checked using hwloc. To build hwloc from sources run:

git clone
cd hwloc
./configure --prefix=/opt/hwloc
make -j 32
sudo make install


  • /opt/hwloc/bin/lstopo topo.svg to print the topology to an SVG file,
  • /opt/hwloc/bin/lstopo -f --no-io topo.svg to exclude IO from the diagram,
  • /opt/hwloc/bin/lstopo -f --no-io --no-smt topo.svg to exclude IO and show physical cores only.

SVG files can be opened with Inkscape. On Linux they can also easily be converted to raster images using ImageMagic, e.g., convert topo.svg topo.png.

Important Remarks

The H operation uses hipMemcpy() to copy the data from the source to the destination.

  • If executed by a GPU device, host memory is page-locked.
  • If executed by a CPU core, host memory is not page-locked.

The benchmark reports the aggregate bandwidth. E.g., for the copy operation (B[i]=A[i]) it reports the bandwidth of reading A + the bandwidth of writing B. If the same memory is the source and the destination then combined read/write bandwidth of that memory is reported. If the source and the destination are different, then the result is the bandwidth of the bottleneck ×2 — either the slower memory or the interconnect.

Config is printed to stderr, while performance is printed to stdout. This makes it easy to, e.g.:

  • 2>/dev/null to discard stderr,
  • 1>results.csv to send stdout to a file,
  • &>results.txt to send stdout and stderr to the same file (overwrite),
  • &>>results.txt to send stdout and stderr to the same file (append).

Do not use the same CPU core to execute a CPU stream and control a GPU stream.
E.g. if a CPU stream starts with C0- make sure that no GPU stream ends with -0.


Jakub Kurzak (