ReplyBot is a user-friendly Telegram bot with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows you to automate responses based on predefined rules. Additionally, it provides compiled executables for Linux, Mac, and Windows, and the bot can be minimized to the system tray and run in the background without displaying the GUI.
Automated Replies: ReplyBot can instantly respond to incoming messages without the need for manual intervention, saving you time and effort.
Keyword-Based Replies: You can define specific keywords or phrases to trigger automated responses, ensuring that your bot responds appropriately to relevant messages.
Regular Expression (Regex) Support: Utilize the power of regular expressions to create more flexible and dynamic response rules, enabling complex matching patterns.
Case-Sensitive Matching: Choose whether the bot should consider the case when matching keywords or patterns.
Case-Insensitive Matching: Optionally, you can enable case-insensitive matching to make the bot respond to messages regardless of letter case.
GUI Interface: Interact with the bot using a friendly and intuitive Graphical User Interface.
System Tray Support: ReplyBot can be minimized to the system tray, running silently in the background without cluttering your taskbar.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: Executables are available for Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems.
- Python 3.7 or higher
- It's made on Python 3.9.2
- telegram account is also required to get bot token
To use ReplyBot, follow these steps:
Using Executables:
Download Executables:
- Go to the Release Page and download the appropriate executable for your operating system (Linux, Mac, or Windows).
- Go to the Release Page and download the appropriate executable for your operating system (Linux, Mac, or Windows).
Create a Telegram Bot:
- Talk to the BotFather on Telegram to create a new bot and obtain the API token.
Configure the Bot:
Add Reply:
Start Bot:
Check the bot working:
- Message your bot and see if it works.You can open issue if there is any.
- Select a row and click on delete button
ReplyBot can be minimized to the system tray by Closing it, running silently in the background without cluttering your taskbar.
You can see the icon of the bot in System Tray of windows
To Quit the Bot you need to quit it from the system tray menu
git clone
cd replybot
pip install -r requirements.txt
Contributions to ReplyBot are welcome! If you have suggestions, bug fixes, or new features to add, feel free to create a pull request.
ReplyBot is provided as-is without any warranties. Please use it responsibly and adhere to Telegram's guidelines and terms of service.