Download files below and move those files to backend folder
MongoDB is for keyframes storage. Anaconda is for python environment. Please use the link below for installing instruction.
After cloning the repository, navigate to the backend folder. After installing anaconda, use the command below for installing packages for the environment.
conda create -n AIC_ENV conda activate AIC_ENV pip install git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git pip install -r requirements.txt
After downloading pre-trained modeels for sketch, move file
to pathVN_Video_Search_with_Sketch/backend/SketchModel/model
Install Node.js for installing dependencies for frontend. After installing Node.js, navigate to frontend folder and run the command below for isntalling the dependencies.
npm install
After activating conda environment, navigate to
for frame extraction. Run the notebook with AIC_ENV environment in Backend Instruction. -
Please refer to
for creating binary files for CLIP and Sketch Model. -
For database, make sure to turn on the driver for mongo. Please take a look at the Install MongoDB and Anaconda for references. Navigate to backend folder and run the command below for pushing data into database.
python setup_database.py
Navigate to backend folder and run the command
python app.py
Navigate to frontend folder and run the command
npm run start
A http://localhost:3000/home should be launched after executing the command.