General purpose system for digital remote control of social robots. The three main components are:
- REMOTE CONTROLLERS: ESP32 modules with a number of sensors onboard streaming their control values to the robot
- ROBOT: A. a Raspberry Pi controller receiving data from the ESP32 controllers, and deploying them to the arduino board for actuations; B. and Arduino Mega board for direct control of the peripheries (motors, wheels, leds, and sensors).
- SENSORY FEEDBACK: an Oculus Quest 2 Unity app to interpret the signals coming from the robot's sensors.
The directory is structured as follows:
contains all the code of the project. The structure is the following: -> main function in the project (e.g. "control" or "robot") -> target platform (e.g. esp32 or arduino or raspberry) -> name of the specific project (e.g. "robot_controller_master" or "esp_channel")
contains a reference to all the experiments performed using this framework. Within each experiment folder you can find documents on the setup and results such as
- questionnaires
- answers
- plots/tables of elaborations of the results
:: Physical Metaverse 2.4Gz ::
- FLOWER ::: hostname: pi@ - psw: aerolabio
to access the dev rules that assigned the custom names to the serial ports, tyep in the terminal sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb-serial.rules
the ports are assigned from the top-left to the bottom-right going horizonally (looking at the ports from the front). The logic is that the device number are the indices of the port in the matrix of their position
- usb_device11