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Jonathan Antognini edited this page May 28, 2015 Β· 4 revisions

ACS Windows Porting

The current distribution of ACS support linux and Windows partially (based on Cygwin). The goal of this project, is to provide support for Windows operating system using native windows tools.

Cygwin Windows Port

During a previous effort an old version of ACS was prepared to run under Windows XP/7 using 32-bits Cygwin. The first task is to verify this is still working in newer versions of ACS and then check it works with Windows 8 and in 64-bits.

  • Test 2014.6 on Cygwin in Windows 7 32-bits
  • Test 2014.6 on Cygwin in Windows 8 64-bits

Native Windows Port

Due to some limitations in the Cygwin abstraction layer, the performance of the Cygwin Windows Port has some limitations. The idea of this project is to make ACS work under Windows using native tools to improve the performance in comparison to the previous Cygwin port.

  • Identify required tools:
  • JDK
  • Visual Studio (2015)
  • CCCL
  • Build ExtProds:
Product Compilation Build Script
Tcltk βœ… πŸ”΄
Java βœ… βœ…
Tao βœ… πŸ”΄
DDS πŸ”΄ πŸ”΄
Ant βœ… βœ…
JacORB βœ… βœ…
Python βœ… βœ…
PyModules πŸ”΄ πŸ”΄
OmniORB βœ… βœ…
Mico βœ… βœ…
Eclipse ⚠️ πŸ”΄
  • Build Tool
Tool Status
emacs ⚠️
tat πŸ”΄
expat βœ…
loki βœ…
extjars ⚠️
antlr βœ…
hibernate ⚠️
freetype βœ…
extpy πŸ”΄
cppunit βœ…
getopt ⚠️
FITS βœ…
astyle βœ…
swig βœ…
xercesc βœ…
xercesj ⚠️
castor ⚠️
gmp βœ…
jfree ⚠️
xsddoc ⚠️
extidl πŸ”΄
vtd-xml βœ…
oAW ⚠️
shunit2 ⚠️
log4cpp βœ…
  • Improve ACS Makefile to use CCCL Wrapper (CL.exe, LIB.exe)
  • Build LGPL/CommonSoftware
  • Build tests for LGPL/Kit, LGPL/Tools and LGPL/CommonSoftware
  • Pass tests for LGPL/Kit, LGPL/Tools and LGPL/CommonSoftware
  • Legend:
  • βœ… Done
  • ⚠️ Skipped
  • πŸ”΄ Pending
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