Extensively based on the Chess app made by Evan Tredal using Unity and C#. Much time was spemt watching his videos on YouTube. Gameplay in "chess wars.txt". Probably ought to move it into here.
Original Content:
-Go to the TUTORIAL folder for pdf's about how to make this app step-by-step
-The .zip files have the Unity Project after the workshop was completed
-If you want to follow, for example, Workshop 3, you should download the Workshop 2's zip in order to have what you need
-Click to move
-Black and White can win/lose the game
-Switches players
-Restart the game at the end
Additional Possible Features
-Starting jump move for pawns
-Check for Check
-Check for Checkmate
-Castling (Rook and King switch)
-Saving and Loading a game
What can be improved
-Porting to Android and IOS devices
-The offsets for matrix -> world coordinates should be constants to adhere to coding standards
-Duplicated code for combining
Additional Notes
-If the camera is not the correct aspect ratio for a phone, switch to the game view in Unity. Switch the aspect ratio to 9:16 (left corner by "Display 1").
-Unity version 2019.3.0f3
-Asset credit to Ajay Karat of Devil's Work.shop http://devilswork.shop/