The SPICE pipeline is designed to generate a comprehensive view of the genomic landscape of matched tumor and normal samples by leveraging allele-specific information from high quality next generation sequencing data. Specifically, using targeted DNA data (e.g. WES), the pipeline first applies tumor purity and ploidy correction, generates a quantitative measure of aneuploidy (asP), and then calls a series of genomic aberrations, including allele-specific copy number aberrations, SNVs with copy number corrected allelic fractions and indels. To allow for reliable analyses, the SPICE pipeline includes several QC tools.
The pipeline is written using the Common Workflow Language (CWL) (, a standard specification for the description of computational workflows that enables easily portable and scalable pipelines. Using one of the many available CWL implementations, it is possible to run SPICE on a variety of architectures (from single machines to clusters or cloud services) to easily scale up as needed. In order to enable ease of use and reproducible analyses, the tools that are used in the pipeline are ready on Docker Hub as containers.
To run the pipeline, it is sufficient to create a single configuration file per tumor/normal pair, where the user provides the required options (e.g. BAM files, reference genome).
This section includes a brief description for each of the main analysis tools included in the pipeline.
Analyzes genomic data from next-generation sequencing experiments. CLONETv2 offers a set of functions to compute allele specific copy number and clonality from segmented data leveraging heterozygous SNPs position pileups. The package also calculates the clonality of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) given read counts at mutated positions. Prandi et al. (2019); Prandi et al. (2014)
CNVkit is a Python library and command-line software toolkit to infer and visualize copy number alterations from high-throughput DNA sequencing data. It is designed for use with hybrid capture, including both whole-exome, custom target panels and short-read sequencing platforms such as Illumina and Ion Torrent. Talevich et al. (2016)
EthSEQ provides an automated pipeline, implemented as R package, to annotate the ethnicity of individuals from WES data inspecting differential SNPs genotype profiles while exploiting variants covered by the specific assay. Romanel et al. (2017)
MuTect2 calls somatic short mutations via local assembly of haplotypes. Short mutations include single nucleotide variant (SNVs), insertion and deletion (indel) alterations.
PaCBAM is a C command line tool for the complete characterization of genomic regions and single nucleotide positions from next-generation sequencing data. PaCBAM implements a fast and scalable multi-core computational engine, generates exhaustive output files for downstream analysis, introduces an innovative on-the-fly read duplicates filtering strategy and provides comprehensive visual reports. Valentini et al. (2019)
Picard is a set of command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats such as SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF. CollectHsMetrics is used to capture several metrics useful to verify the quality of target-capture sequencing experiments.
SPIA allows for the verification of two or more DNA samples deriving from the same or different individuals. Demichelis et al. (2008)
A bioinformatics tool for the estimation of tumor purity from sequencing data. It uses the set of putative clonal somatic single nucleotide variants within copy number neutral segments to call tumor cellularity. Locallo et al. (2019)
VEP determines the effect of variants (SNPs, insertions, deletions, CNVs or structural variants) on genes, transcripts, and protein sequence, as well as regulatory regions. McLaren et al. (2016)
Following there is a complete reference of the configuration options of the pipeline. These options needed in order to be able to run the pipeline.
The BAM file of the normal sample. The folder should contain BAM index (.bai
file) along to the .bam
class: File
path: path/to/normal.bam
The BAM file of the tumor sample. The folder should contain BAM index (.bai
file) along to the .bam
class: File
path: path/to/tumor.bam
The file containing the reference genome used to align the BAM files in FASTA
format. The folder should contain the .fai
index and the dictionary (.dict
class: File
path: path/to/reference_genome.fasta
The BED file containing the regions targeted by the capture kit.
class: File
path: path/to/target_regions.bed
The BED file containing the regions captured by the capture kit.
class: File
path: path/to/bait_regions.bed
Contains the regions that are targeted by the kit in the GATK interval list format.
class: File
path: path/to/target_regions.interval_list
Contains the regions that are captured by the kit in the GATK interval list format.
class: File
path: path/to/bait_regions.interval_list
The list of SNPs that are contained in the regions targeted by the sequencing kit. The VCF must contain only the SNPs and SNPs with more than one alternative allele must be either removed or changed.
class: File
path: path/to/snps_in_kit.vcf
The file with the SNPs that are included in the EthSEQ model.
class: File
path: path/to/snps_in_ethseq_model.vcf
The GDS file containing the model of the SNPs used for ethnicity inference.
class: File
path: path/to/ethseq_model.gds
The file with the SNPs that are used by SPIA to compute the genotype distance.
class: File
path: path/to/spia_snps.vcf
The sex of the patient from which the sample was collected. Either "m" or "f".
sample_sex: m
The name of the reference genome that VEP have to to use for annotation.
vep_reference_genome_version: GRCh38
The folder where VEP can find the annotation database.
class: Directory
path: path/to/vep_data_directory
An optional file containing the regions of the genome that are accessible (meaning that can be sequenced).
class: File
path: path/to/accessible/regions.bed
The number of parallel threads that will be used for computation in tools that support parallel computation.
threads: 5
If true enables the creation of graphical reports. Only the tools that support
this type of output will include such outputs files. By default the option is
set to false
create_reports: true
If true, the output generated by each tool will be redirected to a file.
Otherwise the output will be printed on the output. By default the options is
set to true
log_to_file: false
class: File
path: path/to/normal.bam
class: File
path: path/to/tumor.bam
class: File
path: path/to/reference_genome.fasta
class: File
path: path/to/target_regions.bed
class: File
path: path/to/bait_regions.bed
class: File
path: path/to/target_regions.interval_list
class: File
path: path/to/bait_regions.interval_list
class: File
path: path/to/snps_in_kit.vcf
class: File
path: path/to/snps_in_ethseq_model.vcf
class: File
path: path/to/ethseq_model.gds
class: File
path: path/to/spia_snps.vcf
sample_sex: m
vep_reference_genome_version: GRCh38
class: Directory
path: path/to/vep_data_directory
class: File
path: path/to/accessible/regions.bed
threads: 5
create_reports: true
log_to_file: false
The pipeline is expected to be run on a linux operating system (no tests were
run on different operating systems) using one of the available implementations
that can be found here. Multiple
versions of the CWL standard are available. The SPICE CWL pipeline is based on
CWL version 1.1
. Before running the pipeline make sure that the selected
implementation supports version 1.1
of the specification.
In order to run the pipeline you need the CWL files where the pipeline is
described (these are available in this repository in the cwl folder). The
configuration needs to be saved to a .yaml
file. In the examples below we show
how to run the pipeline using cwltool
(the official CWL implementation).
If run in this way the pipeline launches all tools within docker containers.
cwltool path/to/workflows/pipeline.cwl path/to/parameters.yaml
In order to run without using containers add the --no-container
option to the
command line as shown below. In order to run in this way all the tools used by
the pipeline must be available as commands (the executables need to be in one of
the folders included in the $PATH
environment variable).
cwltool --no-container path/to/workflows/pipeline.cwl path/to/parameters.yaml
In order to run using a different container runtime just use the specific
option. For example to run using singularity just add the --singularity
option like shown below. The cwltool
runner supports other runtimes but only
docker and singularity have been tested.
cwltool --singularity path/to/workflows/pipeline.cwl path/to/parameters.yaml
The pipeline will create a folder with the output of each tool. Below is
represented the tree of folders created as output of the pipeline. Each
subfolder of the data/
folder contains the output of the corresponding tool.
If option log_to_file
is set to true
the pipeline will create a folder named
with a log file for each step that is part of the pipeline.
|-- clonet # Purity, ploidy, corrected log2, allele specific cn and
| # clonality
|-- cnvkit # Copy number segments
|-- ethseq # Ethnicity information
|-- hsmetrics_normal # QC metrics normal sample
|-- hsmetrics_tumor # QC metrics normal sample
|-- mutect2 # SNVs and indel calls
|-- snps_pileups # Pileup of the SNPs that are within kit regions.
|-- snvs_coverage # Coverage data in tumor and normal samples of SNV
| # positions
|-- spia # Genotype distance between normal and tumor sample.
|-- tpes # Purity based on SNVs.
`-- vep # Annotation for SNVs and indels.
logs/ # Contains log for each step if option log_to_file is set
# to true
This project is funded by the ERC (ERC-CoG-2014-648670), to F. Demichelis.