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A-AhkUser authored Jul 24, 2020
1 parent 0ee15b5 commit b6d16d0
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Showing 48 changed files with 459,425 additions and 0 deletions.
336,531 changes: 336,531 additions & 0 deletions examples/example_Windows/autocompletion/liste_de_mots_francais_frgut.txt

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions examples/example_Windows/autocompletion/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
© Christophe Pallier 2017 License CC BY-SA -
186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions examples/example_Windows/example_Windows.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
; #SingleInstance force
#SingleInstance ignore
SetWorkingDir % A_ScriptDir
SendMode, Input

DetectHiddenWindows, Off
; tested on Windows 10 (19041) 64 bit with Autohotkey v1.1.32.00 32-bit Unicode

sleep, 100
if not (GetKeyState("JoyX"))
if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str"), " /restart(?!\S)")) { ; cf.
try {
if (A_IsCompiled)
run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart
else run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\..\..\lib\vKeyboard.ahk
vKeyboard.base._JoystickEventsManagement := JoystickEventsManagement
vKeyboard.base._JoystickDevice := JoystickDevice

vk := new vKeyboard() ; create a new instance of the visual keyboard object and stores it in 'vk'
eAutocomplete.setSourceFromFile("fr", A_ScriptDir . "\autocompletion\liste_de_mots_francais_frgut.txt") ; create a new autocomplete
; dictionary, called 'fr', from a file's content
vk.autocomplete.source := "fr" ; set the visual keyboard's autocomplete list (can be changed at any time thereafter)
vKeyboard.defineLayout("français", A_ScriptDir . "\keymaps\français.json")
; define a 'keymap' (keyboard layout mapping) for future calls of the 'setLayout' method
vk.setLayout("français") ; set the visual keyboard's layout (can be changed at any time thereafter)
vKeyboard.defineStyle("default", A_ScriptDir . "\styles\default.css") ; define a style for future calls
; of the 'setStyle' instance method
vk.setStyle("default") ; set the visual keyboard's style (can be changed at any time thereafter)
vk.autocomplete.bkColor := vk.backgroundColor
vk.autocomplete.fontColor := "FFFFFF"
vk.autocomplete.fontName := "Segoe UI"
vk.autocomplete.fontSize := 14
vk.autocomplete.listbox.bkColor := vk.backgroundColor
vk.autocomplete.listbox.fontColor := "666666"
vk.autocomplete.listbox.fontName := "Segoe UI"
vk.autocomplete.listbox.fontSize := 11
vk.setHotkeys({"window":{"joystick":{"showHide": "Joy11"}}}, 1, "Joy5") ; set up all keyboard/joystick shortcuts
; for the given `vKeyboard` instance, subscribing to the first logical joystick port, using 'Joy5' as joystick 'modifier' key
; and using a custom hotkey for the command 'window.joystick.showHide'
vk.fitContent(16, 5, true) ; resize the visual keyboard so that it fits its new content, given a
; font size value (here 16) and a 'padding' value (here 5)
vk.onSubmit(Func("vk_onSubmit")) ; set the 'onSubmit' callback to be the 'vk_onSubmit' function below
OnExit, handleExit ; specifies a callback function or subroutine to run automatically when the script exits

vk.dispose() ; especially if your script implements a __Delete meta-method, you should
; call the 'dispose' method once you've done with the visual keyboard instance


vk_onSubmit(this, _hLastFoundControl, _input) { ; executed each time the text entered so far is submitted
; if any, '_hLastFoundControl' contains the HWND of the control that had focus and whose focus has been stolen by the
; visual keyboard at the moment this latter was last shown.
; '_input' contains the visual keyboard's text entry field upon submission.
if (_hLastFoundControl)
ControlSend,, % "{Text}" . _input, % "ahk_id " . _hLastFoundControl
else SendInput % "{Text}" . _input

IAmInFoxitReaderReadingMode() {
_w := "", _h := ""
WinGetPos,,, _w, _h, % "ahk_id " . WinActive("ahk_class classFoxitReader ahk_exe FoxitReader.exe")
return ((_w = A_ScreenWidth) && (_h = A_ScreenHeight))

#If !vk.hostWindow.isVisible() && WinActive("ahk_exe FoxitReader.exe")
Joy8::send, s ; (FoxitReader) add a sticky note (note: for it to work, you need to enable single-key accelerators.
; Go to File> Preferences> General, and check Use single-key accelerators to access tools option in the Basic Tools group.
#If !vk.hostWindow.isVisible() && IAmInFoxitReaderReadingMode()
; respectively zoom in and zoom out in FoxitReader (fullscreen)
Joy9::send, {Ctrl Down}{NumpadSub}{Ctrl Up}
Joy10::send, {Ctrl Down}{NumpadAdd}{Ctrl Up}
#If !vk.hostWindow.isVisible()
; release Alt if need be (after you pressed Joy9 or e.g. to quit AltTab mode), otherwise: it closes the current tab (firefox) / it closes the active window (anywhere else)
if GetKeyState("Alt")
send, {Alt Up}
else {
send % (A_ThisHotkey = A_PriorHotkey && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 200) ? ((WinActive("ahk_exe firefox.exe")) ? "{Ctrl Down}w{Ctrl Up}" : "{Alt Down}{F4}{Alt Up}") : "{Esc}"
; paste
Joy2::send, {Ctrl Down}v{Ctrl Up}
; basic LButton event handler
Send {LButton down}
SetTimer, WaitForButtonUp3, 10
if GetKeyState("Joy3")
Send {LButton up}
SetTimer, WaitForButtonUp3, Off
; copy
Joy4::send, {Ctrl Down}c{Ctrl Up}
; Shift+Tab
Joy5::send, {Shift Down}{Tab}{Shift Up}
; Tab
Joy6::send, {Tab}
; Enter AltTab mode (Joy1: quit AltTab mode)
Joy7::send, {Alt Down}{Tab}
; RButton
Joy8::send, {RButton}
; press: Alt // long press: explorer.exe > focus Address Bar / otherwise, anywhere else> focus the Tray Menu
Joy9::SetTimer, WaitForButtonUp9, 300
SetTimer, WaitForButtonUp9, Off
send % GetKeyState("Joy9") ? WinActive("ahk_exe explorer.exe ahk_class CabinetWClass") ? "{Alt Down}a{Alt Up}" : "{LWin Down}b{LWin Up}" : "{Alt Down}{Alt Up}"
; press: Enter // long press: focus Address Bar (firefox)
Joy10::SetTimer, WaitForButtonUp10, 300
SetTimer, WaitForButtonUp10, Off
if (GetKeyState("Joy10") && WinActive("ahk_exe firefox.exe"))
send, {F6}
else send, {Enter}
; basic LWin event handler
Send {LWin down}
SetTimer, WaitForButtonUp12, 10
if GetKeyState("Joy12")
Send {LWin up}
SetTimer, WaitForButtonUp12, Off

Class JoystickDevice extends KeypadInterface._JoystickDevice {
poll(_dPad:="Off", _lThumbstick:="Off", _rThumbstick:="Off") {
global vk ; ~
sleep, 100 ; ~
if not (vk.hostWindow.isVisible()) {
base.poll(140, 17, 400)
} else {
base.poll(_dPad, _lThumbstick, _rThumbstick)
} ; ~ ++++
Class JoystickEventsManagement extends KeypadInterface._JoystickEventsManagement {
_dPadEventMonitor(_keypadInst, _joystick, _direction) {
if not (_keypadInst.hostWindow.isVisible()) {
send % "{" . _direction . "}"
base._dPadEventMonitor(_keypadInst, _joystick, _direction)
_thumbstickLEventMonitor(_keypadInst, _joystick, _δX, _δY) {
if not (_keypadInst.hostWindow.isVisible()) {
SetMouseDelay, -1
MouseMove, _δX, _δY, 0, R
base._thumbstickLEventMonitor(_keypadInst, _joystick, _δX, _δY)
_thumbstickREventMonitor(_keypadInst, _joystick, _δZ, _δR) {
_keyToHoldDown := ""
if (_δZ = 10)
_keyToHoldDown := "{Space}"
else if (_δZ = -10)
_keyToHoldDown := "{BackSpace}"
else if (_δR = 10)
_keyToHoldDown := "{NumpadPgDn}"
else if (_δR = -10)
_keyToHoldDown := "{NumpadPgUp}"
if (_keyToHoldDown)
send % _keyToHoldDown
} ; ++++

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