A script to easily and quickly book a seat in Learning Commons @ HKU.
Caution: this package requires you to have node@>=8.x
const creds = {
username: "thisismyusername",
password: "thisismypassword"
module.exports = creds
is included in gitignore
by default.
$ git clone https://github.com/9oelM/hku-booking.git
$ cd hku-booking
$ npm install
$ node .\index.js
i Launching browser and page...
i Going onto HKU Login page...
Current URL: https://hkuportal.hku.hk/cas/servlet/edu.yale.its.tp.cas.servlet.Login?service=http://booking.its.hku.hk/lebook/book/Web/
i Username and password preconfigured in credentials.js found. Attempting to log in...
√ Login successful!
Current URL: http://booking.its.hku.hk/lebook/book/Web/schedule.php
? Tell me which date you want to use the room (Use arrow keys)
> 2018/11/17
- Detect login error (