A powerful and easy-to-use API wrapper for Pterodactyl's API, providing a seamless integration of server management and user administration functionalities.
- User Management: Effortlessly manage users with create, update, delete, and retrieval capabilities.
- Server Manipulation: Control servers with options for creation, suspension, reinstallation, and more.
- File Operations: Manage files and directories on servers, including read, write, and folder creation.
- Server Information: Retrieve detailed information about servers and users.
- Discord Support: Need help or have questions? Join our Discord server for support and discussions.
npm install my-pterodactyl
const PteroManager = require('my-pterodactyl');
// Initialize the wrapper
const ptero = new PteroManager('your-api-key', 'https://your-ptero-instance.com');
// Example usage
(async () => {
const newUser = await ptero.createUser({
username: 'newuser',
email: 'newuser@example.com',
password: 'securepassword'
const newServer = await ptero.createServer({
name: 'My New Server',
user: newUser.id,
// ... other server properties
// ... more examples of wrapper functions
Check out the full documentation for detailed usage examples.
Join our Discord server for support and discussions.