PaymentBundle does the following:
- Defines form to request payment,
- Stores the transaction in a database table with a unique order id,
- Allows the possibility to add buttons/links for pre-defined payment,
- Allows to define a free amount form for payment (Donation, Consultation, etc.),
- Sends an email, to the user, of the transaction via c975LEmailBundle as
provides the possibility to save emails in a database, there is an option to NOT do so via this Bundle, - Sends an email, to the site, containing same information as above + fee and estimated income,
- Creates flash to inform user,
- Display information about payment after transaction.
This Bundle relies on the use of Stripe and its PHP Library. So you MUST have a Stripe account. It is also recomended to use this with a SSL certificat to reassure the user.
PaymentBundle dedicated web page.
PaymentBundle API documentation.
v3.x works with Symfony 4.x. Use v2.x for Symfony 3.x Use Composer to install the library
composer require c975L/payment-bundle
Check dependencies for their configuration:
c975LPaymentBundle uses c975L/ConfigBundle to manage configuration parameters. Use the Route "/payment/config" with the proper user role to modify them.
Then, enable the routes by adding them to the /config/routes.yaml
file of your project:
resource: "@c975LPaymentBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
#Multilingual website use the following
#prefix: /{_locale}
#defaults: { _locale: '%locale%' }
# _locale: en|fr|es
You can use php bin/console make:migration
to create the migration file as documented in Symfony's Doctrine docs OR use /Resources/sql/payment.sql
to create the tables stripe_payment
is commented to avoid dropping by mistake.
Install images by running
php bin/console assets:install --symlink
It will copy content of folder Resources/public/images/
to your web folder. They are used to be displayed on the payment form.
You can also have a look at official badges from Stripe.
The process is the following:
- User selects a product,
- User clicks to pay,
- Payment is created in DB,
- User is redirected to Payment form,
- User pays,
- User is redirected to returnRoute,
- Actions are executed to deliver product (if payment successful or sends an error),
- User is redirected to final confirmation or delivery product page.
To achieve this, you have to define 2 Controller Routes and 2 Services methods (+ Interface) (while you can do all of this in Controller, Best Practices recommend to keep Controller methods skinny).
Here are the examples for those files:
//YourProductServiceInterface file
namespace App\Service;
use c975L\PaymentBundle\Entity\Payment;
interface YourProductServiceInterface
public function validate(Payment $payment);
//Your ProductService file
namespace App\Service;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use App\Service\YourProductServiceInterface;
class YourProductService implements YourProductServiceInterface
private $em;
public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em)
$this->em = $em;
public function validate(Payment $payment)
* For example if `$payment->getAction()` contains the result of "json_encode(array('addCredits' => 10));"
$action = (array) json_decode($payment->getAction());
if (array_key_exists('addCredits', $action)) {
//Gets the user
$user = $this->em->getRepository('c975LUserBundle:User')
//Adds credits to user
$user->setCredits($user->getCredits() + $action['addCredits']);
//Set payment as finished
return true;
return false;
//YourPaymentServiceInterface file
namespace App\Service;
interface YourPaymentServiceInterface
public function payment($yourNeededData);
//Your PaymentService file
namespace App\Service;
use App\Service\YourPaymentServiceInterface;
use c975L\PaymentBundle\Service\PaymentServiceInterface;
class YourPaymentService implements YourPaymentServiceInterface
public function payment(PaymentServiceInterface $paymentService, $yourNeededData)
* Except amount and currency all the fields are nullable
* You may use the data define in `$yourNeededData`
$paymentData = array(
'amount' => YOUR_AMOUNT, //Must be an integer in cents
'currency' => YOUR_CURRENCY, //Coded on 3 letters or use "$paymentService->getParameter('c975LPayment.defaultCurrency')" to get your default currency
'action' => YOUR_ACTION, //Store the action to achieve after the payment. Mainly used by `returnRoute`. As a string, you can store plain text, json, etc.
'description' => YOUR_DESCRIPTION,
'userId' => USER_ID,
'userIp' => $request->getClientIp(),
'live' => false|true, //If your product is live or not, different from live config value
'returnRoute' => 'THE_NAME_OF_YOUR_RETURN_ROUTE', //This Route is defined in your Controller
'vat' => 'YOUR_VAT_RATE', //Rate value without % i.e. 5.5 for 5.5%, or 20 for 20%
//Your Controller file
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
use c975L\PaymentBundle\Entity\Payment;
use c975L\PaymentBundle\Service\PaymentServiceInterface;
use App\Service\YourPaymentServiceInterface;
class PaymentController extends AbstractController
* Route used to proceed to payment
* @return Response
* @Route("proceed-to-payment",
* name="proceed_to_payment")
public function proceedToPayment(YourPaymentServiceInterface $yourPaymentService)
//Creates the Payment
//Redirects to the payment form
return $this->redirectToRoute('payment_form');
* Return Route used after payment
* @return Redirect
* @throws NotFoundHttpException
* @Route("/payment-done/{orderId}",
* name="payment_done",
* methods={"HEAD", "GET"})
public function paymentDone(YourProductServiceInterface $yourProductService, PaymentServiceInterface $paymentService, Payment $payment)
//Validates the Payment
$validation = $yourProductService->validate($payment);
//Redirects or renders
if ($validation) {
return $this->redirectToRoute('YOUR_ROUTE');
//Payment has been done but product was not validated
return $this->redirectToRoute('payment_display', array('orderId' => $payment->getOrderId()));
Use the testing cards to test before going to production.
You need to override the template fragments/merchantData.html.twig
in your /templates/bundles/c975LPaymentBundle/fragments/merchantData.html.twig
and indicate there all your official data, such as address, VAT number, etc.
This template will be included in the email sent to the user after its payment.
You can mention the payment system used (i.e. in the footer) by simply include an html fragment with the following code {% include '@c975LPayment/fragments/paymentSystem.html.twig' %}
. This will include Stripe logo and accepted cards.
You can add any payment button/link, wherever you want, by using the Twig extensions with the following code:
{{ payment_link('YOUR_TEXT_TO_DISPLAY', AMOUNT, 'CURRENCY') }}
is the real amount (i.e. 12.92), NOT the amount in cents.
Or you can use it empty, this will lead user fo fill a form to proceed to payment
{{ payment_button() }}
{{ payment_link() }}
If this project help you to reduce time to develop, you can sponsor me via the "Sponsor" button at the top :)