EmailBundle does the following:
- Stores email in a database as an option,
- Sends email using Symfony Mailer,
- Allows user with good ROLE to see emails sent,
- Defines a template for emails that should be overriden to integrate fully with website,
- Allows to attach one or multiple files.
EmailBundle dedicated web page.
EmailBundle API documentation.
Use Composer to install the library
composer require c975l/email-bundle
Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php
file of your project:
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
// ...
new c975L\EmailBundle\c975LEmailBundle(),
Check dependencies for their configuration:
c975LEmailBundle uses c975L/ConfigBundle to manage configuration parameters. Use the Route "/email/config" with the proper user role to modify them.
If you are NOT using Messenger remember to disable the contents in config/packages/messenger.yaml or configure it properly.
Then, enable the routes by adding them to the app/config/routing.yml
file of your project:
resource: "@c975LEmailBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /
#Multilingual website use the following
#prefix: /{_locale}
#defaults: { _locale: '%locale%' }
# _locale: en|fr|es
You can use php bin/console make:migration
to create the migration file as documented in Symfony's Doctrine docs OR use /Resources/sql/emails.sql
to create the tables emails
and emails_archives
are commented to avoid dropping by mistake. It will also create a stored procedure sp_EmailsArchive()
and an event e_monthly_archives
to archives emails older than 90 days. If you don't want to use this feature, just remove them.
Have a look at the following links if you wish to use Symfony Messenger to dispatch messages with Doctrine. If you want to use async you may also have a look at this answer on StackOverflow.
Create a Twig template i.e. templates/emails/description.html.twig
with this content:
{# If you want to use the template provided by c975LEmailBundle you have to extend its layout #}
{% extends "@c975LEmail/emails/layout.html.twig" %}
{% block email_content %}
{{ 'label.description'|trans }} : <strong>{{ object.description }}</strong>
{# You can include files #}
{% include 'YOUR_FILE_PATH' %}
{% endblock %}
Then in your Controller, add this code to create, insert in DB and send your email:
// src/Controller/AnyController.php
use c975L\EmailBundle\Service\EmailServiceInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
class AnyController extends AbstractController
public function anyFunction(Request $request, EmailServiceInterface $emailService)
// ...
//Build your email
$body = $this->renderView('emails/description.html.twig', array(
//Data needed for your template
$emailData = array(
'subject' => 'YOUR_SUBJECT',
'sentFrom' => $emailService->getParameter('c975LEmail.sentFrom'),
'sentTo' => '',
'sentCc' => '', //optional
'sentBcc' => '', //optional
'replyTo' => '', //optional
'body' => $body,
'attach' => array(
array($filePath, $filename, $contentType),
), //optional
'ip' => $request->getClientIp(), //optional
//Sends email
$emailSent = $emailService->send($emailData, [saveDatabase ? true|false(default)]);
//You can test if email has been sent
if ($emailSent) {
//Do what you need...
} else {
//Do what you need...
// ...
If you wish to override/disable a block defined in the fullLayout.html.twig
template, create your templates/bundles/c975LEmailBundle/emails/layout.html.twig
and use the following code:
{% extends "@c975LEmail/emails/fullLayout.html.twig" %}
{# Overide a block #}
{% block noSpam %}
{# You can also use {{ parent() }} #}
{% endblock %}
{# Disable a block #}
{% block logo %}
{% endblock %}
Have a look at templates/emails/fullLayout.html.twig
, to see all available blocks.
You should override the template templates/emails/footer.html.twig
in your templates/bundles/c975LEmailBundle/emails/footer.html.twig
and indicate there all the data you need to display at the bottom of sent email.
You can see the emails sent via the dashboard.
For this, simply, create the following structure templates/bundles/c975LEmailBundle/
in your app and then duplicate the file layout.html.twig
in it, to override the existing Bundle files, then apply your needed changes.
In layout.html.twig
, it will mainly consist to extend your layout and define specific variables, i.e. :
{% extends 'layout.html.twig' %}
{# or extends 'emails/layout.html.twig' #}
{# Defines specific variables #}
{% set title = 'Email (' ~ title ~ ')' %}
{% block content %}
{% block email_content %}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
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