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💽 Step 4 - Store the Deals and the Sales

How to avoid to scrape again and again the same data

Table of Contents

🎯 Objective

Store deals and sales in a database with node.js to create, read, update or delete data...

🏗 Prerequisites

  1. Be sure to have a clean working copy.

This means that you should not have any uncommitted local changes.

cd /path/to/workspace/lego
❯ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean
  1. Pull the master branch to update your local with the new remote changes
❯ git remote add upstream
## or ❯ git remote add upstream
❯ git fetch upstream
❯ git pull upstream master

👩‍💻 Just tell me what to do

  1. Create a free account on MongoDB Atlas, Database as a Service (DBaaS) Provider.

  2. Create a new project called Lego and deploy a cluster. MongoDB Cluster

  1. Connect your node.js server script
const {MongoClient} = require('mongodb');
const MONGODB_URI = 'mongodb+srv://<user>:<password>@<cluster-url>?retryWrites=true&writeConcern=majority';
const MONGODB_DB_NAME = 'lego';

const client = await MongoClient.connect(MONGODB_URI, {'useNewUrlParser': true});
const db =  client.db(MONGODB_DB_NAME)

  1. Insert the deals and sales into this database
  const deals = [];


  const collection = db.collection('deals');
  const result = collection.insertMany(deals);

  1. Create at least 6 methods to find deals and sales according MongoDB queries.

These 6 methods should

  • Find all best discount deals
  • Find all most commented deals
  • Find all deals sorted by price
  • Find all deals sorted by date
  • Find all sales for a given lego set id
  • Find all sales scraped less than 3 weeks
  • ...
  const legoSetId = '42156';

  const collection = db.collection('sales');
  const sales = await collection.find({legoSetId}).toArray();

  1. Commit your modification
cd /path/to/workspace/lego
❯ git add -A && git commit -m "feat(new-deals): insert all new deals"

(why following a commit message convention?)

  1. Commit early, commit often
  2. Don't forget to push before the end of the workshop
❯ git push origin master

Note: if you catch an error about authentication, add your ssh to your github profile.

If you need some helps on git commands, read git - the simple guide

📦 Suggested node modules

  • dotenv - Loads environment variables from .env for nodejs projects
  • mongodb - Mongo DB Native NodeJS Driver

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