This package is designed to improve the Developer Experience (DX) when working with zustand
to manage the state in React applications.
Lets say we have a store like this;
import create from "zustand";
const useStore = create((set) => ({
count: 0,
incrementCount: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count + 1 })),
decrementCount: () => set((state) => ({ count: state.count - 1 })),
If we use this store like this;
export default function CounterA() {
const { count } = usestore();
// ...
We will encounter re-rendering issues. The <CounterA />
component will re-render when any of the properties changed in store.
We will need to use the store like this, to avoid re-rendering issues.
export default function CounterA() {
const count = useStore((state) => state.count);
// ...
Now we need to use the store with shallow equality function.
import shallow from "zustand/shallow";
export default function CounterA() {
const { count, incrementCount, decrementCount } = useStore(
(s) => ({
count: s.count,
incrementCount: s.incrementCount,
decrementCount: s.decrementCount,
// ...
We are repeating a lot.
Using babel-plugin-macros
we can turn this code into this below, at compile-time
import useStoreMacro from "@90pixel/zustand.macro";
const {
} = useStoreMacro();
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
// You can replace this with your own hook. Look at the Configuration section to learn more about it.
import { useShallowStore as _useShallowStore } from "hooks";
const {
} = _useShallowStore((s) => ({
count: s.count,
decrementCount: s.decrementCount,
incrementCount: s.incrementCount,
Installation of the dependencies.
npm install --save-dev @90pixel/zustand.macro babel-plugin-macros
or using yarn
yarn add -D @90pixel/zustand.macro babel-plugin-macros
You must add the babel-plugin-macros
plugin into your babel plugin list.
// ...
"plugins": [
// ...other plugins
// This must be added
Add this hook into your custom hooks.
import shallow from "zustand/shallow";
// Your store..
import { useStore } from "store";
export default function useShallowStore(selector, equalityFn = shallow) {
return useStore(selector, equalityFn);
By default when you import the macro, the import statement will be deleted at compile-time.
Shallow store implementation will be added instead.
import useStoreMacro from "@90pixel/zustand.macro";
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
import { useShallowStore as _useShallowStore } from "hooks";
As you can see, import name (useShallowStore)
and the import source (import .. from 'hooks')
is hard coded.
You can change these in your package.json
"babelMacros": {
"zustandMacro": {
"useStore": {
"importName": "useShallowStore",
"importSource": "hooks"
You are ready to go now.