code | message | 中文说明 | 备注 |
-101 | Your account is not logged in. | 账号未登录 | |
-111 | -111/csrf 校验失败 | -111 | 没传csrf |
-404 | Unknown error. Please contact customer service. | 啥都木有 | |
-629 | Incorrect account or password | 用户名或密码错误 | |
-662 | -662 | -662 | 密码登录时,password字段错误 |
22001 | You can not follow your own account. | 不可以关注自己哦 | |
10003003 | The area is inaccessible | 该地区无法访问 | |
10004002 | 10004002 | 10004002 | 获取av170001播放流时返回 |
10004051 | Error with file data. Please upload cover image again. | 封面内容错误,请重新上传图片 | 上传稿件封面 |
10004307 | Your title may contain sensitive words. Please change it | 您输入的标题可能含有敏感词汇,请更换 | |
10010010 | Comments are not available | 评论区不存在 |