3 commits
to bonusfix
since this release
README: https://github.com/79t/mad
Instructions to run:
git clone https://github.com/79t/mad
or download source code below- if git clone was used,
git checkout bonusfix
or if the download was used,unzip mad-final-project-submission.zip -d mad/
(*nix) orExpand-Archive -Path mad-final-project-submission.zip -DestinationPath mad/
(PowerShell) cd mad/
npm i -g yarn
if yarn is not installedyarn
npm i
npx expo install
npx expo start -c --web
- open localhost:8081 (will take a while to start up due to the use of external stylesheet libraries)
External code used:
- tamagui (for styling)
- zustand (to setup global state management across screens)
- expo-router (to separate different screens into different TypeScript files)
- react-native-async-storage (to persist settings and stats across app restarts)
- useInterval hook from usehooks-ts (to add words to tossups every .5 seconds)