JBrowse2 plugin for displaying long-read alignments by hgb.
- Rust nightly
- Node.js
- Python3 (optional)
The input bam file needs to be attached MD tags by samtools calmd
and indexed by samtools index
- Docker
docker run --rm -ti -p 9000:9000 -v `pwd`:/data 6thbridge/jbrowse2-hgb:master /data/<input.bam>
- Singularity
singularity build jb2-hgb.sif docker://6thbridge/jbrowse2-hgb:master
singularity -s run jb2-hgb.sif <input.bam>
Access to http://localhost:9000/static/index.html
JBrowse2-HGB works with Toil on HPC environments where communication between compute nodes is allowed and jobs are needed to be submitted using batch job system.
- Preparation
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv ~/venv
source ~/venv/bin/activate
pip install toil nginx-config-builder portpicker https://github.com/6br/toil_container
npm install -g @jbrowse/cli
- Single Node
python3 hgb.py jobstore --bam <input_bam> --track-names <track_name> --singularity docker://6thbridge/hgb:master
- Multiple Nodes w/ Batch Job Engine
python3 hgb.py jobstore --track-names BAM1 BAM2 BAM3 --bam bam1.bam bam2.bam bam3.bam --auth user:pass --singularity docker://6thbridge/hgb:master --disableCaching --batchSystem grid_engine --deadlockWait 200 --maxServiceJobs 10 --realTimeLogging
# An example for a grid engine:
TOIL_GRIDENGINE_PE='def_slot' TOIL_GRIDENGINE_ARGS="-l s_vmem=15G,mem_req=15G" python3 hgb2.py jobstore --track-names BAM1 BAM2 BAM3 --bam bam1.bam bam2.bam bam3.bam --auth user:pass --singularity docker://6thbridge/hgb:master --manualMemArgs --disableCaching --batchSystem grid_engine --deadlockWait 200 --maxServiceJobs 10 --realTimeLogging
After all servers are prepared, the message is displayed in red letters on the stdout of the leader process of Toil as follows:
2022-01-13 16:12:25 toil-rt [pid 72140]
CRITICAL:Access to http://<hostname>:<port>
Please access to http://<hostname>:<port>
bash -x start_hgb_server.sh $NUM_OF_THREADS $LOCATION_OF_BAM
bash -x start_hgb_server.sh $NUM_OF_THREADS $LOCATION_OF_BAM
The following command needs to run on another shell.
bash -x start_jbrowse_hgb.sh
bash -x start_jbrowse_hgb.sh $HGB_SERVER_URL 38
bash -x start_jbrowse_hgb.sh $HGB_SERVER_URL 19
You can specify reference genome as the second argument as 38 or 19 (hg38 or hg19, respectively).
Add to the "plugins" of your JBrowse Web config. The unpkg CDN should be stable, or you can download the js file to your server.
"plugins": [
"name": "hgb",
"url": "https://unpkg.com/jbrowse-plugin-hgb/dist/jbrowse-plugin-hgb.umd.production.min.js"
This plugin is currently quite basic, and there is no mouseover interactivity or drawn labels on features