Disabling audio over HDMI/DP for Intel iGPUs If you don't use digital audio over HDMI or DisplayPort on your Intel iGPU, you can disable HDA-GFX by adding a property to your Audio Codec. Instructions Check presence of digital audio device of your iGPU: Run Hackintool In the "System" tab, click on "Peripherals" There should be an additional audio device associated to your iGPU (Intel HD4000 in this example): Open your config.plist In DeviceProperties, find the entry for your Audio Codec. On Intel Systems it's located at PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1b,0x0) Add key No-hda-gfx, Data Type = String, Value = onboard-1 (as shown below): Save and reboot Verify Run Hackintool again and check if the device is gone: